Delhi Pollution: ‘Lockdown will trouble Lakh people’ – News2IN

Delhi Pollution: ‘Lockdown will trouble Lakh people’

Delhi Pollution: 'Lockdown will trouble Lakh people'
Written by news2in

New Delhi: The soup proposed to curb air pollution in the city will “trouble” lakh people even because of its questionability, trade and industrial rooms are claimed on Tuesday.
The Delhi government has told the Supreme Court that is ready to take steps such as complete locking to control air pollution but such a measure will be significant if it is carried out throughout the NCR region in neighboring countries in neighboring countries in neighboring countries.
Delhi’s businessman did not support locking in the middle of the wedding season, said a statement by CTI.
Brijesh Goyal, Chairperson of the Trade and Industrial Room (CTI), said traders were worried about the proposed locking due to air pollution.
Environmental experts believe that there will be no benefit from him, he said.
Lockdown is not a solution to pollution problems and it will not only hurt the economy but will also affect the work of the people in this wedding season, CTI said.
Wedding season has begun and Banquet Halls Hotels, Farm Houses, Tent Houses, employs lakh people will be beaten if the kuncian is enforced, he said.
However, Goyal said that 15 traders of Lakh Delhi fully support the government about the issue of air pollution and whatever decisions needed, the traders will appreciate it.
CTI believes that the kuncian must be the last solution to any problem, he added.

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