Delhi Pollution: Wind Change can increase AQI to be ‘poor’ – News2IN
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Delhi Pollution: Wind Change can increase AQI to be ‘poor’

Delhi Pollution: Wind Change can increase AQI to be 'poor'
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Strong winds improve the quality of Delhi’s air slightly on Monday, but continue to remain “very poor”.
The overall air quality index (AQI) is 311 on Monday compared to 349 on Sunday.
Aqi is likely to touch the “poor” category on Tuesday, but can deteriorate again on Wednesday because the wind speed can slow down.
RK Jenamani, senior scientist in the Indian Meteorology Department, said, “wind speed reaches 15-25kmph.
Most of the west wind and visibility also increased to 1,500-3.200m.
Analysis of clock visibility and wind speeds from November 1 to 22 Monday performances is one- The only day so far on the moon when Palam reports more than 3,000 m visibility and strong winds like that.
“Tanushree Ganguly, the program leads the energy council, environment and water, said,” While Delhi’s air quality remains at the top end of the ‘very bad’ category Over the past week, it increased slightly on Monday because the surface wind was relatively stronger in the afternoon, which was profitable for dispersion of pollutants.
“According to the air quality system and weather forecasting and research (Safar), the Central Forecasting Agency, the share of stump burned to PM2.5 Delhi is only 6% and effective fire extinguisher 909.
“This strong wind tends to continue on Tuesday, leads to In improving further air quality with the ‘poor’ category.
The possibility will increase for the ‘poor’ or ‘lower end’ category for the next two days.
“From Wednesday, air quality is predicted to deteriorate because the local level wind and transportation tend to slow down, declared Safar.
This will produce a slight decline of air quality but is expected to be in the range of” very bad lower ends “, he added.” Given that meteorology plays an important role In influencing city air quality, the Delhi government must actively utilize the insight of the IITM’s early warning system to plan and execute emptying steps in advance to maintain the level of pollution under the control, “Ganguly said.
In the coming days, with declining temperature, contributions From the combustion of local biomass for heating needs it might appear, it shows.
“The local authority must immediately take steps to ensure that Delhi’s homeless has access to warm clothes and blankets, and security personnel have access to electric heaters,” Ganguly added.

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