Delhi School: Male as Principal, Deputy Principal Woman – News2IN

Delhi School: Male as Principal, Deputy Principal Woman

Delhi School: Male as Principal, Deputy Principal Woman
Written by news2in

New Delhi: On July 10, advertisements for direct recruitment principals in Delhi government schools appeared.
Of the 363 posts advertised, 208 intended for men and 155 for women.
If the gender disparity looks strange, then from 196 principals in 2020-21, 120 is male and 76 women.
Such differences seem to exist because the Directorate of Education (DOE) follows various recruitment / promotional procedures for two sexes.
Unwritten norms are setting aside 60% of vacancies for men and 40% for women.
To add to this, most women, regardless of experience and qualifications, usually have to wait for a longer period to be promoted as principals.
Now this contrast is with gender data related to government schools.
Women’s teachers exceed the number of men among trained Postgraduate Teachers (TGT) and Postgraduate Teachers (PGT).
There are 429 girls’ schools of 407 for boys (with 194 to be shared education) and there are 72,000 more female students than boys among 16.2 lakh students in government institutions.
Gender anger among the principal has been around for decades and recently challenged.
The woman who disadvantaged the education director many times about the problem and DOE now formed “Gender Anomaly Committee” to see it.
Irregularities are undeniable.
PGTS who joined between 1989 and 1992 increased to the deputy principal in 2012.
But after 31 years of service, they were still waiting for the opportunity to become the principal.
Instead, their male colleagues have worked at the level of deputy education director.
Likewise, the 1994 female batch recruited to be the Deputy Principal in 2018 – which is also on the base of ad hoc with promotions that are not confirmed.
Most male colleagues are the principal now.
The woman of the 1999-2000 batch assumed the deputy head post in 2020 – again on the base of the ad hoc – while the batch people became VPS in 2012 and are now waiting for promotion to the principal.
The teachers confirm different rules about promotion and seniority.
One of them told Tii that he joined as PGT in 1998 and was promoted as Deputy Principal in 2012.
“I am waiting to be elevated as the principal since 2017,” he said.
“But a PGT woman, who joined in 1995, became VP only in 2018.” In accordance with Udise data, in 2020-21 of 1,662 important posal deputy posts, 1,195 were occupied.
Petellings consist of 633 men and 562 women.
In 2018, the gap was narrower with 692 men and 645 women.
A deputy head of a woman angry.
“We only asked for our rights,” he said.
“Even the women who are promoted as VPS are now approaching retirement and will not be the principal.” One of them, who will retire in 18 months, add, “I have now worked under DOE for 24 years.
I was promoted in 2018 as Deputy Principal and because my school did not have the principal, I took care of everything without being appointed as the principal .
The junior man for me has become the principal.
“A doe official admitted strangeness.
“This is a legacy problem and has been like 40-50 years now,” the official said the shoulder.
“Nobody asked him until recently.
Anomaly committees now work to deliver gender neutrality.” The official added, “the post of the school head is filled well directly through the recruitment carried out by UPSC or through promotion.
Because the service is not under Delhi’s government.
, there are difficulties when recruitment is delayed.
The promotion, recruitment rules say we have to VP for 10 years before someone can be promoted as the principal.
Therefore, most candidates have 58-59 years when they are eligible.
We try to reduce the working period of VP to seven year, but things spend time.

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