Delhislash Test Covid Level, House Collection – News2IN

Delhislash Test Covid Level, House Collection

Delhislash Test Covid Level, House Collection
Written by news2in

New Delhi: The Delhi Government on Wednesday cut the maximum fixed price of RT-PCR tests carried out in private laboratories from Rs 800 to RS 500 and reduced the RS 1,200 limit for a collection of housing samples to RS 700.
Large power levels for fast antigens in the laboratory The private sector has been set at the RS 300, while tests carried out in government companies remain free.
“Delhi Govt drastically reduces the Corona test rate.
This will help ordinary people,” Chairman of the Minister of Arvind Kejriawal tweeted on Wednesday while sharing orders issued by the Department of Health and Family Welfare.
In cases where individuals, at their own expense, provide samples in private laboratories, private hospitals or collection facilities for RT-PCR tests, maximum levels, including all costs and taxes, will now be Rs 500.
In the case of samples for the test RT-PCR collected through home visits, including visit fees, sample collection and testing costs, maximum cost level, including all costs, will be RS 700.
In the event that the government team is collected and collected from a collection of sites by private laboratories as possible by authority Regency, the cost will be the RS 300 and if the sample is collected by a private laboratory team for the government, the maximum cost is Rs 400.
All laboratories and hospitals have been ordered to display the revised level within 24 hours.

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