Delta Covid variants are now dominant strains throughout the world; Death of US Surge: Officials – News2IN

Delta Covid variants are now dominant strains throughout the world; Death of US Surge: Officials

Delta Covid variants are now dominant strains throughout the world; Death of US Surge: Officials
Written by news2in

The Delta variant of Covid-19 is now a dominant strain throughout the world, accompanied by a wave of deaths around the United States almost entirely among people who are not vaccinated, said US officials on Friday.
US Covid-19 cases rose 70% during the previous week and death rose 26%, with an outbreak in the country with a low level of vaccination, US centers for controlling the disease and Rochelle prevention director Walensky said during the press direction.
The two days of everyday cases are now more than 26,000, more than two lowest levels of June around 11,000 cases, according to CDC data.
“This becomes a pandemic of the not vaccinated,” he said, adding that 97% of people who entered the hospital in the United States with Covid-19 were not vaccinated.
Walensky said the increasing number of districts around the United States now shows high risk of Covid-19 transmission, reversing a significant reduction in the risk of transmission in recent months.
About 1 in five new cases has occurred in Florida, said the White House Covid-19 response coordinator Jeff Zients.
The Delta variant, which was significantly more contagious than the original Covid-19 variant, has been detected around 100 countries globally and now the dominant variant throughout the world, US infectious disease expert said FAUCI.
“We deal with a strong variant” from Covid-19, Fauci said when calling.
Walensky urged Americans who were not vaccinated to get Covid-19 shots, and said the Pfizer Inc.
vaccine and Moderna Inc.
had proven to be very effective against the Delta variant.
He said people had to get the second dose of vaccines even if they had passed the recommended time window to accept it.
About 5 million people have been vaccinated in the United States in the last 10 days, said Zients, including many in the state that has so far have a lower level of vaccination.
He added that the United States has enough vaccines to provide a booster vaccine but still work to determine whether the booster is needed.

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