Democrats Eric Adams won the election of the Mayor of New York City – News2IN

Democrats Eric Adams won the election of the Mayor of New York City

Democrats Eric Adams won the election of the Mayor of New York City
Written by news2in

New York: Democrat Eric Adams won the New York City Mayor’s race on Tuesday on a promise to improve public safety and vote for the population of the working class, drawing his experience as police captain and as black people who experienced youth.
Adams, President Brooklyn Borough since 2014, is projected by the winner by the Associated Press.
He will be the Black Mayor of the two cities after defeating Curtis Sliwa, founder of Guardian Angels Civil Patrol.
Adams 61 years old took over in January from Democrat Bill de Blasio, which futures after eight years in the office.
Adams will face the task of supervising recovery recovery from the Coronavirus pandemic, and facing wealth inequality, lack of affordable housing and fighting public schools.
He is expected to win easily in a very democratic city.
His victory can provide Democrats President Joe Biden some signs where voters stand when the party seeks to maintain a fragile alliance between progressive and centrris in Washington.
Adams won in the main election of the party with a coalition that resembles, in several ways, voters who helped raise Biden to the nomination of democracy by 2020, especially their support among more moderate black voters.
Progressive worry Adams will serve too much into the real estate industry, a strong lobby that gives generously to his campaign.
Right on ‘streets,’ not ‘Tweets’Adams are not shyly suggest that his victory can function as a blueprint for national Democrats.
He has underestimated the critics from his agenda on the left he said did not speak for the Democrats mainstream.
“I say that it’s time for us to stop believing that we must have the right tweet.
We must have the right path right,” Adams said to CNN after winning the party’s nomination in July.
Describing himself as the New Yorker “Blue Collar”, he said the work class Democrats had been ignored by a more liberal party wing.
Maybe there was no problem that had more Democrats’ animation last year than the police, after the murder of the police 2020 from George Floyd, a black man, in Minneapolis triggered the months of demonstrations throughout the country.
But the surge in crime has encouraged mayor candidates throughout the country to call more investment in the police, no less, because public safety has increased to the many lists of voter concerns.
Adams argues that the city cannot make a full economic recovery without dealing with violent crime.
He constantly rejects the “Defund The Police” movement as a product of the left-wing activist.
Instead, he has tried to achieve a balance between calling for more aggressive policing and reform, including more diversity in senior department rankings.
His personal story helps lend trust in his words.
Adams has talked about being beaten by police officers as a teenager.
While a member of the New York City Police Department, Adams developed a reputation as an activist after establishing 100 black people in caring law enforcement, advocacy groups that spoke of police brutality.
Adams, which secures union key support, is seen as working friendly.
He also said he would work to connect more low-income residents with owling city services but did not use it.
Adams, who has recognized his eyes at City Hall for decades, sometimes accused of changing his personality for political wisdom.
He turned to the Republican Party for several years before running successfully for the State Senate as a Democratic, and he described himself as progressive and moderate.

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