Democrats won New Jersey, but just had been in entertainment for Biden – News2IN

Democrats won New Jersey, but just had been in entertainment for Biden

Democrats won New Jersey, but just had been in entertainment for Biden
Written by news2in

New York: The New Jersey Democrat Governor won the re-election recently, giving comfort to President Joe Biden on a bad day in the election, the results showed Wednesday.
The US News Outlet said that with around 90 percent of the vote counted from the local election governor Tuesday, Phil Murphy had 50.1% of the vote, against 49.1% for the Republic of Jack Ciattari candidate.
It worked with margins around 20,000 votes from a total of 2.4 million thrown.
“This is surprising because polling suggested that the Governor Murphy be among the eight-12 points ahead,” said Saladin Ambar, a professor of political science at Rutgers University.
In 2020 Biden’s presidential election won 58% of the votes in New Jersey against 40% for Donald Trump.
In 2017 Murphy was first chosen with 56%.
Ambar said he saw local and national problems while playing in the state, which borders New York.
The last democratic governor will be re-elected by New Jersey voters in 1977, he noted.
“It is very difficult in the situation in which taxes and especially property taxes are a big problem for Democrats to do well in consecutive elections as governors,” Ambar told AFP.
He said Murphy suffered because of the absence of Biden and the President’s struggle to encourage a broad expenditure plan through the congress in the midst of prolonged disputes in the Democratic Party.
“There is an understanding of this Biden what can be achieved or not achieved with the congress hurt Governor Murphy,” Ambar said.
In the biggest setback in Tuesday’s election, a Republican businessman without experience in the elected office defeated the former Democratic Governor of Virginia in the state, which was won by Biden in 2020.

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