Dems update questions about FBI background checks Kavanaugh – News2IN

Dems update questions about FBI background checks Kavanaugh

Dems update questions about FBI background checks Kavanaugh
Written by news2in

WASHINGTON: Democrat Senate raised a new concern about the accuracy of the FBI background investigation of the Chief Justice Brett Kavanaugh after the FBI revealed that he had received thousands of tips and had given “all relevant” to the White House Advisory Office.
FBI Director Christopher Wray, responded to the old questions from the Democrats, disclosed in last month’s letter that he had received more than 4,500 tips when investigating the past candidate after President Donald Trump.
The process is the first time the FBI has set a tip line for candidates who undergo confirmation of the Senate, Wray said.
A group of democracy senators said in a letter to Wray on Wednesday that his response “raises significant additional questions.” They call him to explain, among others, how many tips are decided the Relevant FBI and what criteria agents are used to make the determination and what policies and procedures are used to examine tip.
The senators also request more information about the tip line, including how it is managed and how tips are recorded or preserved.
“Your letter confirms that the FBI tip line is departure from past practices and that the FBI is politically limited by Trump White Building,” the senators wrote.
Kavanaugh was confirmed to the Supreme Court in October 2018 after the talis process where the claim arises that he has sexually abused women three decades.
He firmly denied the allegations.
The FBI conducted an original background investigation into Kavanaugh which consisted of interviews with 49 people for five days, Wray said.
The bureau then conducted an additional background check after the new information appeared about a woman, Christine Blasy Ford, who accused that Kavanaugh had attacked him when they were teenagers.
As part of the process, Wray said, the FBI interviewed 10 people for six days.
But, he emphasized, the investigation was limited to nature, without “authority, policies and procedures” which will be used for the FBI criminal investigation.
Lawyers for Ford said in a statement that the FBI letter determined that the investigation was “false and major institutional failure” and sentenced the bureau because he did not interview Ford or act on thousands of tips received by Kavanaugh.
“Instead, it submits information to the White House, which allows those who support Kavanaugh to claim that the FBI did not find an error,” said lawyer, Debra Katz and Lisa.

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