Denial H-1B tariff for new applications down to 4% on fiscal 2021 – News2IN

Denial H-1B tariff for new applications down to 4% on fiscal 2021

Denial H-1B tariff for new applications down to 4% on fiscal 2021
Written by news2in

Mumbai: The rejection rate for the new H-1B application (Petisi) for the initial work during fiscal 2021 (the year ended September 30, 2021) has dropped to 4 percent, this was significantly lower than the 13 percent rejection rate in the 2020 fiscal year.
The rejection rate in previous years was far higher – at 24 percent in the fiscal year 2018 and 21 percent in the 2019 fiscal year.
This is the latest finding from the National Foundation for American policy (NFAP), a policy research organization based in Arlington.
“The 4 percent rejection rate in the Fiscal Year 2021 for the new H-1B petition is similar to the level before Donald Trump serves, which means Trump Year is a deviation for imposing a strict policy found by the court,” said Stuart Anderson, Executive Director, NFAP.
The H-1B petition for the work of ‘early’ is primarily for new beneficiaries (potential employees sponsored for visas) and are usually calculated with the annual quota of H-1B 85,000.
The increase in H-1B’s rejection began in the first year of Donald Trump in the office (2017) and a decrease in the rejection rate began last year (2020), influencing the fourth quarter of fiscal 2020 and later fiscal 2021.
The beneficial impact of court decisions on various restrictive policies imposed by Trump’s administration became clear in the last months of its president, quoting research.
H-1B is the most popular visa for skilled employees, a large number of annual quota is given to Indian beneficiaries, especially those in the information technology sector.
During fiscal 2021, Amazon had the most approved H-1B petition for the initial work with 6,182 approval.
This was followed by Infosys with approval of 5,256.
Furthermore in line is TCS (3,063), Wipro (2,121) aware (1,481), Google (1,453), IBM (1,402), HCl America (1,299) and Microsoft (1,240).
The NFAP study shows that around 18,000 more petitions are approved for initial work in the 2021 fiscal year compared to 2020 fiscal, perhaps due to the delay in processing for 2020 due to higher pandemic and rejection rates.
According to NFAP, another warning with the 2021 fiscal number is that, according to a lawyer, in the previous two years USCIS holds or delayed the H-1B application for many information technology services companies, which will increase the number of approved H-1B petitions for companies in Fiscal next.
The rejection rate for the H-1B petition for sustainable work (visa update) is 2 percent in the fiscal year 2021, compared to 7 percent by 2020.
This study shows that this 7 percent level is achieved due to a profitable court decision.
and legal settlements in the fourth quarter of this year.
In the 2018 fiscal year, for example, the rejection rate for sustainable work as high as 12 percent.
Most of the increase in rejection to continue the work during the Trump government was caused by the October 2017 policy memo that instructed USCIS officials to no longer provide respect to the findings of the previous petition approved.
Many H-1B status extensions are reviewed below new standards that are more limited based on the policy which is then determined by the judge then determined to violate the law.
Entrepreneurs and lawyers have credited the Director of USCIS UR Jaddou and Biden Administration to cancel Memo 2017 this October, stated the study.
The top businessman from the H-1B petition approved in Fiscal 2021 is also among the fastest growing US workers’ employers, providing clear evidence that the company that employs H-1B visa holders also searches and employs local American workers in a significant amount.
Information about the recruitment of significant US workers by professional H-1B businessmen helped show the Fallacies of zero-smoking about the work of skilled foreign nationals, especially because economists have found the recruitment of other skilled personnel.
High skilled work and other types of work in the company and in the economy.
The study added that: on December 6, 2021, there were more than 1.5 million postwork jobs in computer work in the US, and only around 56,000 new H-1B petitions every year were used by employers and employees of H-1B in computer work, According to USCIS data.
That means even if someone is incorrectly assumed there is a fixed amount of work, there are almost 30 times more work available on computer work than H-1B visa holders that fill these positions every year.
At US universities, only about 25 percent of full-time graduate students in the field of electrical and computer engineering and information science are US students.
These statistics show the need to hire H-1B workers to fill the gap.

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