Deshmukh case: ‘Police are not part of the zamin system’ – News2IN

Deshmukh case: ‘Police are not part of the zamin system’

Mumbai: Central Investigation Bureau (CBI) told the Bombay High Court on Monday that the State Police are an independent institution, which should be free of executive controls and not part of several “zamed systems’ because of opposing the Maharashtra government.
Moving to seek the dismissal of the calls issued For the top two bureaucrats in the case of Anil Deshmukh.
The Maharashtra government has no right to approach the court and look for that the calls issued by the Head of the Sitaram State Secretary of Kuntey and DGP today, related to the probe of extortion against the former minister at Anil Deshmukh’s house, canceled, canceled The CBI said on the judicial judicial judicial and SV Kotwal All Po.
Lising ishment because the CBI call to the DGP reduces moral.
Lekhi said the country petition was fully considered and effort to disrupt the CBI investigation against Deshmukh.
Maharashtra government adviser, senior advocate Darius Khambata, previously said the bench was justified in approaching HC in this case since the CBI call to the secretary of the head and police officers most demanded the police.
Khambata said that the state has approached HC by asking “parens patriae jurisdiction” – the legal provisions that enable the next kin, law guardian, or a friend to approach the court on behalf of someone who is small, disabled, or not in a position to approach the court.
However, Lekhi said, “The question Parens Patriae did not appear.
We deal with delinquency in a criminal case and in criminal law, Parens Patriae’s doctrine cannot be called to stop the central agent investigation.” “This shows state despair.
In which categories of DGP and secretary heads come – minor, crazy, disabled?” He asked.
Lekhi further said in this case, there was no fundamental rights of the state government violated.
He claimed the real intention of the state government was to interfere in the CBI investigation into the allegations of extortion made against Deshmukh by former Police Commissioner Mumbai Param Singh.
“Police forces are not part of several zamin systems.
Therefore, the executive cannot claim as the owner of his police forces and comes to court saying all strength is being affected to bring the mindset that this is our officer” Lekhi said.
Lekhi opposes the submission of the state government that the ongoing investigation is compromised since the CBI Director of Subodh Jaiswal is currently the DGP of the country when DeShmukh is the Minister of Home Affairs and therefore is part of several meetings where the transfer and postal police post has been discussed.
The state government said that since the CBI investigated Deshmukh’s disruption in transferring and posting, Jaiswal, who took over as the CBI Director in May this year, itself must be a subject of potential investigations.
Lekhi, however, said, “Jaiswal is a member of the Board (police establishment), the council has a meeting, so it is clear that he attended them.
The question is, have what happened because of his participation at the meeting, or because of the behavior of the Minister of Home?” “Dishmukh’s involvement and Deshmukh puts his men for extortion under supervision, “he said.
Following the orders of the Bombay High Court issued on April 5 this year, the CBI conducted a preliminary investigation into the allegations made by Singh against Deshmukh (71).
The Central Agency then registered firs against NCP leaders.
In September this year, the CBI called Secretary Secretary Kunte and DGP Pandey, asked them to report to the central agent office in Delhi for answering Deshmukh’s related questions.
However, the Maharashtra government approached HC challenging calls.
HC will hear further requests on November 23.

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