New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday made a strong tone for the digital currency that will be launched by the RBI, saying that digital rupees as proposed in the Union budget can be exchanged with cash and will open new opportunities in the Fintech sector.
Read Alsodigital Rupees can be exchanged for cash: PM \ RNew Delhi, Feb 2 (PTI) Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday said digital rupees, proposed in the Union budget, can be exchanged for cash and will open new opportunities in the sector.
“Digital rupees will revolutionize the Fintech sector by creating new opportunities and reducing the burden in handling, printing, cash logistics management,” said PM.
“The central bank’s digital currency (CBDC) will be a digital form of our physical rupee and will be arranged by the RBI.
This will be such a system that will allow the exchange of physical currency with the digital currency.
This will strengthen the digital economy …
if Some make payments in digital currencies, you will be able to change it with cash, “he said.
PM Modi’s comments on the virtual symposium “Atmanirbhar Arthavyavastha (Mandiri Economics)”, which was attended by the Head of the BJP JP Nadda and other senior party officials, the main ministers of countries ruled by BJP and elected members, marked the embrace in full digital currency What seems to be contrast to careful ambivalence, the government has shown so far the government is a problem.
‘Aatmanirbhar Arthvyavastra’ event: budget focus is to provide basic facilities to poor classes, middle class, say PM Modiread Altjump in Capex to help increase small businesses, said Minister Modiprime Narendra Modi on Wednesday highlight a large increase in the budget, saying that in addition to creating Modern infrastructure, it will also create opportunities for small business growth.
“The budget provides 7 lakh 50 thousand crore rupees for the Modi government frankly when it mentions the potential benefits of digital currency.” CBDC will make digital payments and safer and risk-free online fund transfers.
It will also cause convenience in the development of a global digital payment system, “he said, his remarks gave the prime of drinking government posture on issues that were sensitive to government problems on how to deal with the digital currency, which had become an exchange medium.