Dip in the case of teenagers; the family background remains a concern – News2IN
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Dip in the case of teenagers; the family background remains a concern

Dip in the case of teenagers; the family background remains a concern
Written by news2in

New Delhi: The number of cases registered with adolescents in 2020 saw swimming compared to 2019, according to the latest data installed by the National Crime Note Bureau (NCRB).
By 2020, a total of 29,768 cases were registered with adolescents, which were a decrease of 7.8% from 2019 (32,269 cases).
Madhya Pradesh holds the worst record of 4,819, the worst Madhya Pradesh tariff in the number of cases registered against teenagers in 2020.
This was attended by Maharashtra (4,079), Tamil Nadu (3,394), Delhi (2,386), and Rajasthan (2,386).
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