Disposal of cag error waste in the metropolitan area of Chennai – News2IN

Disposal of cag error waste in the metropolitan area of Chennai

Disposal of cag error waste in the metropolitan area of Chennai
Written by news2in

Chennai: The General and Social Sector Audit Report for 2018-19 by Comtroller and General Auditor (CAG) said the prospect achieved the objectives, establishing national urban sanitation policies and Tamil Nadu Vision 2023, from 100% safe waste disposal in the Metropolitan Area Chennai (CMA) Sleeze.
Poor planning and coordination, the delay in tender approval and problems in contract management causes abnormal delays in the solution to the project, the report said.
The report said it was estimated 242.73 million liters of raw waste illegally entered the storm waterways every day and dried into the water body including the River Adyar and Cooum and Canal Buckingham.
Projects agreed to overcome this problem have limited success.
As of March 31, 2019, only 52% of the waste produced in CMA collected by the existing sewerage system.
And, only 88% of the waste collected was treated before being released.
The report said the achievement in recycling and reusing the water treated was only 6.5% of the waste produced against benchmarks determined by 20%.
Five waste treatment plants (STPS) without biogas and three other power generation plants with non-functional plants released are estimated at 5.7 million cubic meters of environmental methane dangerous per year.
Furthermore, failure to review the requirements of the maximum request contracted by six hospitals and Anna Centenary libraries resulted in payment of electrical charges that can be avoided from RS7.07 Crore for 2016-19.
The lack of commitment by the government and relaxed handling of expensive high-tech systems in the centenary library Anna by the Director of the Public Library has produced the remaining 7.98 crore assets without results, the report said.
Failure by the school directorate and elementary education to check claims made by the textbook company and failure to detect errors in the textbook produce expenses that can be avoided from RS23.27 Crore.
Inappropriate planning and failure to assess the requirements of the actual building by the Government General Hospital Rajiv Gandhi and the Director of Medical Education causes IDLLE from three multi-floor buildings resolved structurally built at the cost of Rs 55.33 Crore, said report, report said.

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