DIST Covid Deaths Cross 10K Post Reconciliation – News2IN

DIST Covid Deaths Cross 10K Post Reconciliation

Nagpur: The number of Covid deaths in the district has risen by 1.075 to take the total fatality calculated than 10,000 after reconciliation of data by civilian surgeons on Friday.
Likewise, the total number of covid patients and recovery also increased 15,305 and 14,022.
Because of reconciliation, the number of Covid deaths in the district has now reached 10,115.
Reconciled data relating to the last eight months – from November last year to date.
Most of the numbers reconciled are from the city.
However, most of the deaths that make peace, cases and recovery are the second wave, which was witnessed from the second week of February to June second week.
TOI has reported about differences in data issued by the Civil Surgeon and the State Department of Public Health (PhD).
On November 2 last year, TOI also reported about Covid death, case and recovery of patients from other districts and countries that were not added to the count of districts by civil surgeons.
DR VD Paturkar Surgeon did not respond to TOI calls and messages.
Commenting on the reconciliation of Covid figures as a whole, the Commissioner of the City of Radhakrishnan B told Tii, “We do not want to hide or skip this death or this case and hence this exercise.
There are incompatibility in the numbers displayed on the Covid Medical Research Council portal (ICMR) 19 and India, both were developed and controlled by the central government.
Now, we have ensured that there is no difference left.
“” Previously, we did not add Covid patients from the district and other states, but were detected in the city, to the calculation of the district.
We have been Reconcile these cases, “he said.
“We take into account the death of patients from other districts and positive and die countries here, but do not add those who die here but have been tested positively in their respective districts.
We used to send details to each district for additions In their calculations.
However, the government has directed us to calculate such deaths in our own district, “he said.
Radhakrishnan added, “The government and private hospitals do not upload data on death and time on time and also miss reporting several cases.
We have reconciled the death and case.” Dr.
Paturkar, while releasing Covid-19 data through a press release, said, said “Details of many patients not with the district, but the number is reflected in the Covid-19 portal.
Such cases have also been reconciled.” This is the reconciliation of the third data since the Pandemic and Major outbreaks compared to two previous exercises.
Reconciliation was last carried out on October 31 when 275 Covid deaths, 7,357 cases and 7,007 recovery were added to the district calculation.
This happens after the top of the first wave.
The latest reconciliation is done after the second wave peak.
Meanwhile, the district on Friday was registered with 10 Covid cases, the lowest in the day after June 6 last year.
Of these, City saw five, four in rural areas and one from other districts.

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