District Dang Gujarat made a selfie criminal violation – News2IN

District Dang Gujarat made a selfie criminal violation

Written by news2in

Letter: Next time you visit the only Gujarat, Saputara hill station, or other tourist attractions in the beautiful district of Dang, be careful not to click Selfie.
If you are caught picking it up, you will commit a crime that will invite police action.
Dang has become the first district in the state that has forbidden to take selfies in every place in the district, and especially in tourist attractions.
Public notification dated June 23 forbid Selfie to be issued by additional district judges T K Damor.
It also prohibits local residents to enter the river or any water body during the rainy season to wash clothes, shower or for other jobs to prevent accidents.
In 2019, the government had banned the taking of selfies on Jalan Raya Waghai-Saputara and at the Waterfall.
, “With the start of the monsoon, there has been a big wave of tourists in Dang.
While enjoying nature, many acts are not responsible by taking selfies that lead to accidents that can prove fatal.
Notifications have been incurred to prevent such incidents,” Damor said.
The administration pays attention that taking selfies is not limited to tourist attractions but also occurs in places such as roads, cliffs, waterfalls and rivers.
“Considering such risky behavior, commands have been released for all districts,” Damor added.
After the limitation of Covid-19 was appointed, Dang had witnessed a heavy tourist stream.
Times View: India contributed half of the death of selfies reported in the world between 2011 and 2017, according to the US National Medical Library.
In fact, selfies are prohibited in several potentially dangerous areas.
But making it a violation that can be punished throughout the district is strange.
Officials must rethink this problem.

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