Djokovic awaits a visa decision when you are open to close – News2IN
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Djokovic awaits a visa decision when you are open to close

Djokovic awaits a visa decision when you are open to close
Written by news2in

Melbourne: World number one tennis Novak Djokovic is waiting on Friday to hear whether the Australian government will cancel the visa for the second time, when he bid the 21st Tennis title record at the beginning of Monday.
Djokovic, defending champion, was included in a draw Thursday as the top seed and would face fellow Serbia Miomir Kecmanovic for his opening match, maybe on Monday or Tuesday.
The decision to once again cancel visits could make a second court battle by the Serbian tennis star, after the court canceled the previous revocation and released him from immigration detention on Monday.
Melbourne’s The Age Newspaper quoted sources in the Liberal Party Prime Minister Scott Morrison said the government was “very leaning” to revoke the visa again.
Djokovic, skeptical vaccine, sparked anger widespread in Australia when he announced last week he headed to Melbourne for the Australian Open with medical liberation to the requirements to be inoculated against Covid-19.
Novak Djokovic (AFP Photo) Australia has experienced some of the longest locking in the world, has a level of vaccination of 90% among adults, and has seen an Omicron outbreak that escaped brought nearly one million cases in the past two weeks.
Finance Minister Simon Birmingham said on television early on Friday that the visa decision was a problem for the country’s immigration minister Alex Hawke, but the regulation of the government’s policy as a whole “clear”.
“That is the people who enter Australia who are not Australian citizens to be vaccinated for double doses unless they have clear and valid medical liberation oppose that,” he said at the 9 show channel today.
Online Polling by News Corp.
Media Group found that 83% preferred the government was trying to deport tennis stars.
However, Fans Novak Djokovic (AFP), including many Australians of Serbia, gave him noisy support when he was detained, anti-vaxxers had praised him as a hero, and his family had played him as champions for individual rights.
The Melbourne committee, representing business and art leaders, said the reputation of the city for hosting has been damaged by disputes.
“Visa Djokovic and the vaccination story have reflected all involved, which is a tragedy considering the advantages of our tournament infrastructure and planning,” said Chief Executive Committee Martine Letts told the age.

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