Djokovic must obey the rules to go to Spain, say PM – News2IN

Djokovic must obey the rules to go to Spain, say PM

Djokovic must obey the rules to go to Spain, say PM
Written by news2in

Madrid: World Men’s Tennis No.
1 Novak Djokovic must comply with Spain’s health rules to be able to travel to Spain, said Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez on Monday.
Answering questions about whether Djokovic will be allowed to enter Spain to compete after Australia deported him because he was not vaccinated against Covid-19, Sanchez said: “Every exercise who wants to compete in our country must comply with Spanish health rules”.
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, who visited Spain on Monday and stood beside Sanchez during a press conference, also confirms different rules in various countries that must be respected.
“We all have to obey them, no matter who we are,” he said.
Read Alsoserbian Pro Battle for Novak Djokovic Like His Serbs, Laslo Djere believes Novak Djokovic will be motivated by the last events that resulted in the Melbourne on the night of Australia Open.Djokovic traveled to Spain where he had a house in the south resort of Marbella .
He spent a few days at the end of December and early January and video recordings showed him training there.
Spanish rules today require people to have a vaccine certificate, Negative PCR test or certificate has recovered from Covid.
The country imposes strict quarantine to people who test positively.
During the same press conference, the Spanish Prime Minister made opposite calls for vaccination.
Although vaccination is not mandatory in Spain, the level of vaccination is one of the highest in Europe.

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