Do not intend to kill, said the man who appointed a gun at the police – News2IN

Do not intend to kill, said the man who appointed a gun at the police

Do not intend to kill, said the man who appointed a gun at the police
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Shahrukh Pathhan, who allegedly pointed to a gun at a police officer for 2020 Delhi Riots, on Thursday told the court that he did not fire a shot to the police and only wanted to fear and not kill by prosecution.
A photo of Pathhan appointed a gun at the Delhi police chief, Constable Deepak Dahiya has become a viral on social media during last year’s communal riots.
He was arrested on March 3, 2020, and is currently nesting in Tihar Jail.
To indicate that there was no effort to kill the police, senior advocate Menaka Guruswamy, representing Pathan, playing a video of 26 seconds from the incident in court and said that the defendant released two shots – one in the air and the second was true, the following he had a hot conversation with Dahiya and turn around.
The additional session of Judge Amitabh was hospitalized then asked the lawyer to replay the video and point to the position of the Pathhan pistol right before he fired fire in the air.
“Look at the position of his weapon.
It doesn’t appear.
It’s straight [on Dahiya].
When he takes a destination, it’s straight,” said the judge.
However, advocate, was clarified that none of the two shots was intended for the police chief.
“The country case is based on Dahiya.
He is a candidate for the victim and is not fired.
The first is in the air and the second is on the right,” he said.
Guruswamy added, “If I (accused) I want to shoot him, I will have it, but it’s not intention.
The defendant turned and fled.
Is there an intention to kill or shoot him? Intention to scare.” Pathhan’s advisor said he didn’t Shoot his dahiya but instead asked him to retreat.
“We have conversations like that heated like that and then we retreat.
Where will the intention to kill?” He handed over.
He further said, “I have many opportunities in 26 seconds to kill Dahiya or to say the least hurt him.
I tried to scare him.
Unpleasant as a citizen to scare police officers, part 307 IPC [effort For murder] was not made because I had no intention of killing.
“The Special Public Prosecutor Anuj Handa, appeared for the police, said that the defendant clearly pointed at the gun at the police.
Against Guruswamy’s argument that Pathhan did not have the intention to kill the police, Handa said, “This gun pointed slightly down directly at the complainant head.
His hand climbing up was due to fired shots.” “The question that I asked himself was this, during the first part of the video, he shot in various directions of the masses, which might belong to a different community.
Suppose someone who will give up on an injury, does the violation have been made?” The prosecutor asked.
Pathhan faces allegations of violations such as riots with deadly weapons, efforts to kill, attack, and prevent public servants in disposal of tasks under the Indian Criminal Code (IPC) and ARMS.
Communal clashes broke out in Northeast Delhi in February 2020, after violence between supporters of the citizenship law (amendment) and protesters who spin out of control leaving at least 53 injured people.

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