Do we do enough for orphans with Covid? – News2IN

Do we do enough for orphans with Covid?

Do we do enough for orphans with Covid?
Written by news2in

In the midst of the headline number Covid-19, a decrease in positive position, vaccine penetration and the third wave of pandemic, the stories of Radhi, Fatima and Nabina were among the gaps.
For example, take Radhi.
The six-year-old child was found sitting next to his mother’s lifeless body at a traffic signal on a busy road in the city of Faridabad Haryana.
His father gave up on Covid-19, a few days ago and now his illness has taken his mother too.
Or take the example of a 11th grade Lucknow girl who lost her parents in the day.
In a recent incident in Maharashtra, four siblings in the age group 10-16 years, lost their parents.
Two of them even need special attention because they are physically challenged.
Track back to Noida where Fatima (10) and his brothers – Nabina (8), Asif (5) and Umar (3) – lost their mother to Covid in May this year.
Children now live in rough shelters in the slums of Noida.
The loss of the National Children’s Protection Commission (NCPCR) in a recent report to the Supreme Court has said that because of a pandemic of 6,855 orphans, 274 found abandoned and 68,218 lost parents between April 1, 2020 and 23 July and 23 2021.
NCPCR in his report said that the number of affected children between the age group of 0-3 years was 7,999, a group of 4-7 years was 13,254 and 14-15 years was 11,799.
He also said that the children affected between 16 and 18 years was 12,382.
However, the activists of the rights of children believe that the number tends to be higher.
These orphans not only have to overcome emotional trauma losing both parents but there are physical hazards as well.
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