Does Not matter Whether people call me a forgotten Celebrity: Shooter Vijay – News2IN

Does Not matter Whether people call me a forgotten Celebrity: Shooter Vijay

Does Not matter Whether people call me a forgotten Celebrity: Shooter Vijay
Written by news2in

NEW DELHI: Vijay Kumar put his hands on the audience when his name is called, only before the 25 metre quick fire guys’s pistol occasion, in the Royal Artillery Barracks in the London Olympics in 2012. He took 585 and ended in the top 6 and then entered the closing. He was not the fan favorite but the attention soon shifted towards him that the instant he left it into the forefront of this function. Vijay, a subsequently Subedar Major at the Dogra Regiment, taken a total of 30 in the last to clinch the silver trophy. A serene and serene Vijay, having a grin on his head, greeted the audience, acquired congratulatory handshakes and abandoned the stove and walked out from all of the limelight. It had been Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore’s silver at the 2004 Athens Olympics which kickstarted India’s shooting revolution. For years, a single gold medal had eluded India in the Olympics, however it had been Abhinav Bindra’s historical gold in Beijing in 2008 which altered the face of Indian shooting. Vijay’s silver in the London Olympics and Gagan Narang’s bronze medal at the 10 m air rifle at the same Olympics (2012) took India’s tally to 4 awards to the game of shooting in the Olympics (Rathore, Bindra, Vijay, Gagan). One of the four Indian Olympic medallists in shooting, Abhinav, Gagan and Rathore have nearly always been at the information. They discuss their understanding, they direct kids and so are by and large from the public eye. However, Vijay was residing apart from the limelight. caught up by Vijay Kumar, who’s presently submitted as a DSP at Himachal Police, to get a private interview to talk about Olympic glory,” India’s medal chances in the Tokyo Olympics, his take on if the Olympics should proceed or not and why he likes to maintain a very low profile. Excerpts. . .Can you just take us down memory lane and share your experience of winning the silver medal in the London Olympics?That proved to be a golden moment for me personally. This has been my first Olympics. Winning a trophy in my Olympics was very unique. I get goosebumps once I remember that instant. The air was amazing. It can not be explained in words. I am very honoured and thankful that I was able to represent my nation and develop a trophy and that also in my Games. The Olympics is the last point to get a sportsperson. As soon as I went into the Olympics, a trophy wasn’t in my head. Naturally, exactly like every athlete, I wanted to win a trophy, but I did not let that trophy pressure influence me. I only wanted to take 1 shot at one time and enhance the score. When I manage to take a great score compared with other shooters throughout the planet, then obviously it’ll improve my odds of winning a trophy. To begin with I coached my thoughts and then completed in the London Olympics. Concentrate and command were the 2 things which enabled me to win an Olympic medal. Olympic involvement is a really major thing, but if you win a trophy for the country, it’s unmatchable. Nothing can explain this feeling. You always decide to avoid the limelight. Your take on just how some believe that due to this you’re getting to be a’forgotten celebrity’. . .My focus is largely on the sport. I’m a guy who does not like marketing or demonstrating my existence. When you triumph for the nation, people clearly remember you. After coming out of the Army, I joined a DSP at Himachal Police. I had been in the practice period. I’ve been occupied with this specific coaching for the past 3 decades. I will begin shooting again then. I really don’t want to maintain the information. I am very thankful that I have the opportunity to represent my country in the greatest point (Olympics) and that I was able to create my country proud. I adored my pistol so much I did not concentrate on anything else (laughs). I will not say I’m an introvert but my sport and game have left me enjoy this. I’m not that comfortable with all the media. I only wanted to concentrate on my own game. I didn’t need any diversion in my sport. When I had been in 2012 (Olympics)I had been in the military and that I was bound by lots of constraints. This is why people call me a’abandoned celebrity’. However, these things do not matter . For me personally, what is the most is that I won an Olympic medal for India. Indian shooters are all set for the Tokyo Olympics. What’s your message to them and just how do you rate their trophy chances?The amount of participants has improved today. As soon as I went into the Olympics in 2012, we were 11. In 2016, ” I believe there have been 13. Nowthere are 15 Indian shooters that are likely to Tokyo. The very best part is the staff events also have been included at the Olympics. India has performed well in the group occasions (from World Cups particularly ) therefore it increases our likelihood of winning more awards in shooting. I’m sure this group will do amazing things from Tokyo and I expect they’ll come back with many awards. What would you need to convey into the Indian shooters concerning security protocol to consider amid the COVID crisis?Self obligation. That really is something every athlete must remember. Not only Indians, all athletes from all over the world must follow security protocols also to keep themselves secure. They might need to be more self-responsible. My proposal to the Indian shooters is to not proceed with the mindset of winning a trophy. Should they focus on enhancing their scores by taking one shot at one moment, this headline will probably require them into the podium. Should this, I am certain that they’ll observe a great deal of progress in their operation. Who will be the favorites to win a trophy in Tokyo based on you in the contingent?Honestly, this group is very powerful. When you take a look at everybody’s recent performances, then you may see they’ve been onto a medal-winning spree. Everybody appears to be in great shape. Each and every member of this 15-member squad has got the capacity to win a trophy for the nation. These men have played at world-level contests that is the reason why they’re going into the Olympics. My eyes are all on the kids. The way they’re shooting, it is awesome. The very best part is that the scores have significantly improved along with the charge goes to all these kids. All I need to say about those kids is ‘be tranquil. That is it. Be calm, proceed and execute’. With the entire world in the grasp of this COVID-19 outbreak, a great deal of folks, such as most in Japan itself believe the Olympics must be cancelled. What’s your take on that?Human life ought to be the priority. The Olympics was designed to occur in 2020 however, it had been postponed. I believe Tokyo as well as the IOC have done everything to maintain their athletes secure. They’ve made appropriate arrangements so as to secure the sportspersons. They’ve been following appropriate security steps. The Legislation has also begun in full swing. The directions are that there’ll be four RT PCR tests for athletes. Be it health assists, security, sanitisation etc., and I’m sure things are going to be taken good care. We have time to get the Olympics, we must wait and see. (International) Spectators have yet to be permitted in the places. Naturally, fans will undoubtedly be overlooked, but this is great for each of us (athletes, officials and fans). The Olympics must go on however, with the security measures in place. I believe that the Olympics will go away easily.

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