Donald Trump Rally Setia in ‘Maga Woodstock’ – News2IN

Donald Trump Rally Setia in ‘Maga Woodstock’

Donald Trump Rally Setia in 'Maga Woodstock'
Written by news2in

Florence: Donald Trump delivered a pleasant crowd speech for thousands of adoring supporters in Arizona on Saturday, insisted again that he won the US presidential election in 2020.
Some believers have arrived in the area a few days earlier from Florida or Texas, waiting to hear the former president It issued a list of familiar complaints.
Their patience was immediately appreciated.
“We have finished having our lives controlled by politicians in Washington.
We are done with the mandate,” he said, referring to the rules brought to control the coronavirus pandemic.
“Radical Democrats want to change the United States to the Communist State,” he continued.
“We won the election.
We won them big.
We can’t just get away.” The previous speaker has maintained a similar theme, slamming 2020 selection of Victor President Joe Biden as “weak” and “crazy,” and aiming for “Lamestream media,” which was issued by the crowd.
It is the biggest hit of Trumpism, playing all the estimated records: stolen selection, media injustice, open border and how the United States has become “shares laugh around the world.” There is a feeling of carnival for part of the day.
The flag proclaimed “Trump 2020” and “Trump 2024” fluttering in the desert wind, as a song “Come on Go Brandon” erupted from a kind crowd.
The slogan has been the code in the right-wing circle after news reporters think almost anti-Biden is rude.
“It’s just a party atmosphere,” said Riches Jonathan, who attended the 40th Trump rally.
“It’s almost like Woodstock Maga.
This is a patriot from the whole country gathered together for the good of this country.
We love our president.” The maga is an acronym for calling the 2016 Trump campaign to “make America great again.” While some are filtered because Trump is still talking, it is possible to escape the destruction of parking, those who live until the end declare themselves happy with what they have heard.
“He encouraged, because he did not give up and we did not give up because we lost our country,” said Tony Cunio 58 years old.
“I support it because I want the country to return to that place before.” Trump left a press conference that was pledged on January 6 – the warning of the Capitol invasion by his supporters – and the rally was his first major general God since October.
As usual, he declared it as a “biggest” crowd, “going further from the eye can see,” Although accurate figures about presence are not immediately available.
In the lead for his election of victory in 2016, and throughout his presidency, tens of thousands of supporters would squeeze the place to hear him talking.
But the crowd has shrunk, and the Saturday election seems to be much smaller than the previous demonstration.
The meeting, on agricultural land in Florence, 60 miles (100 kilometers) from Phoenix, featured the Republican raft who had echoed Trump’s claims that was unfounded that the 2020 election remained.
They include Lake Kari, who Trump has supported the Governor of Arizona in this year’s race.
He previously said he would not have a certified Biden victory if he was in the office at the time.
Trump, who lost his twitter megaphone for his claim about the poll, has been a much lower presence in US politics since leaving the office.
But he is still towering in the Republican Party, where adherence to his theory – or at least it is not openly denied them – often important to survive for members of the Congress and the Legislature of the State.
Trump has mostly expelled the main media outlets since leaving the office.
But last week, he traveled to the National Public Radio (NPR), where he said he recommended that people would be vaccinated against Covid-19 – hot-fort issues in the United States, where there were widespread vaccine doubts at to the right.
There are almost no other anti-covid prevention or precautions in the evidence among the crowds in Florence, even though the omicron wave variants are washed in the United States.
Nationally, more than 750,000 people are testing positive diseases.
Rally came 24 hours after the pro-trump TV channel Oan was discarded by the main distributor.
Trump has repeatedly directed his fans towards the conspiracy theory – peddling outlets, who hoped to bite the market for right-wing viewers dominated by Fox News.
This event also appeared after the founder of the oath guard – the far right militia group – and 10 others were charged for a conspiracy that hung on their role in the January 6 attack on the Capitol.
Hg / leg.

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