New Delhi: Calling for Collective Efforts by UN Member States to examine terrorism, India warns efforts to re-divide the threats into various categories and remove profits carried out in the past two decades.
Participating in the UN General Assembly debate about the adoption of resolutions on the 7th review of the global terrorism strategy (GCT) on Tuesday, India’s remaining representatives to the United Nations, TS Tiringu, said the international community had recognized that the threat of terrorism was a grave and universal.
, and can only be defeated by the collective efforts of all UN member countries, without exception.
“Only after 9/11 that we accept that terrorism in one part of the world can directly impact on other parts of the world and we all come together to fight terrorism collectively,” he said.
The envoy said that the international community must not forget that before the 9/11 terror attack, the world is divided into “your terrorists” or “my terrorist”.
Two decades later, “We now see efforts to divide us once more” by adopting a new terminology with the guise of “arising threats” such as racial patterned violence extremism and ethnically motivated, harsh nationalism, right-wing extremism, he said.
“I hope that member countries do not forget history and divide terrorism again into different categories and bring us back to the era of” your terrorists ‘and “my terrorists’ and remove the benefits we have had over the past two decades.” He noted That the lack of definition of terrorism agreed upon universally is “harming our shared goals” to eliminate global specter.