Don’t go for a blood test that is not necessary: Documents to Cov – News2IN

Don’t go for a blood test that is not necessary: Documents to Cov

Written by news2in

Bhubaneswar: With Covid-19 swept the country because of the omicron variant and mostly infected populations, experts have urged patients in house isolation not to go for certain blood and other examinations.
Whether it is being observed that people have been treated for home or after three to four days of recovery, entering the D-Dimer, IL-6 and CRP tests – various types of blood tests – to ensure the inflammatory marker.
They, according to experts, not only burdens themselves financially but also landed in confusion.
“If Covid-19 patients are in home insulation and their conditions can be managed with oral drugs, determined by the doctor, then it is not necessary.
To measure the inflammatory marker.
It is necessary if the patient with historical comorbidity, long hospitalization or if he needs steroids or ICU.
This is a specific routine examination carried out to advance care, “said Pictured by Behera, Director, Lung Medicine at Fortis Hospital, Chandigarh.
While D-dimer is done to determine the pro-thrombotic state (blood clot), IL-6 is done to determine the risk of cytokine storms.
Experts say patients in hospitals and those who in the ICU need this test because this parameter is to reduce the possibility of blood clots and cytokine storms must be known by a treating doctor.
Also, the doctor said before giving injection steroids also, inflammatory parameters – CRP, TLC, D-Dimer – and other investigations were carried out.
Doctors, however said, in OPD settings, such tests to find out inflammatory parameters may be recommended if doctors feel so.
“In the case of old patients with years of comorbid conditions, inflammatory parameters must be ensured for further treatment.
However, it is not recommended for mild patients to moderately in house isolation,” said the senior pulmonologologist.
The doctor said such tests were carried out in patients with mild symptoms it would not reveal anomalies.
The source said many patients for fear often force doctors to prescribe tests.

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