Don’t let the children of Sans Digital Connect Rinily, try Gurukuk Way: Uttar Pradesh cm Yogi Adityanath – News2IN

Don’t let the children of Sans Digital Connect Rinily, try Gurukuk Way: Uttar Pradesh cm Yogi Adityanath

Don't let the children of Sans Digital Connect Rinily, try Gurukuk Way: Uttar Pradesh cm Yogi Adityanath
Written by news2in

Varanasi: In the midst of anticipated the third covid wave, Chairman of the Yogi Adityanath Minister on Sunday asked for the teaching brotherhood to design an alternative method for teaching children who do not have access to modern resources to learn.
It is very important to keep students who are less capable in educational loops if there is prolonged pandemic, he said.
“When we opened the school, the threat of the third wave was the cause of worries.
Because we still have a large part of society that does not have a digital connection, telephone or hi-tech tab, the teacher must hammer the strategy to ensure these children should not be abandoned, if covid- 19 Survive, “said Yogi, while handling Intelligentsia from Kashi to mark the launch of ‘Prabuddh Vargdh Vargd Sammelan’ BJP on the day of teacher.
Given the interaction with a child in Gorakhpur, Yogi said, the boy could remember study in grade 4, the last time he attended the class before locking was clamped in 2020.
“Like this child, some intelligent children are forced to stop their studies.
While most people have Access to the digital platform, there are many who don’t even have television at home, “he said.
The teacher uses technology smoothly to continue the online class during locking, but serving children without resources is a big challenge, he said.
“Now, they have to explore the possibilities and make the concept of a new format to teach children who are disadvantaged.
They can experiment with the ancient Gurukul tradition by holding open classes in small groups under the tree, building Panchayat or Ghats,” Yogi said, While interesting for Kashi’s smart people to work on the front.
Praising Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Covid-19 Management, he said, when the mortality rate surged in developed countries, the PM guide produced results.
He said, even though the first Covid wave was not deadly as the second, he had the challenge of bringing up students who were upfront from the city or handling the entry of 40LExy migrants.
“We do not have a Covid testing laboratory, when the first wave hit us today, we have the capacity to test samples 4lakh every day and 555 oxygen plants have ended with an oxygen outsource,” Yogi said.
Explain the giant makeover, Yogi said, “Different governments in power and were overthrown since 1947, but they could not ensure development because of their narrow vision.
Vision and strategy of PM Modi triggered positive change.” He said, when his government was formed, everyone had doubts about state law and order because of recurrent riots and rampant corruption.
“The young man from above does not accept a good response when they are looking for work in other states.
At present, people praise the law and order and ease of doing business.
Great investment has come to the country even during a pandemic, records the time of Rs 66,000 Crore.
This does not happen In an overnight.
Also, per capita up income has dropped for the past seven decades, but in the next five years, it will increase the same as the Indian per capita income, “Yogi said.

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