Don’t violate the Rp. In Polling Reporting: PCI to print media – News2IN

Don’t violate the Rp. In Polling Reporting: PCI to print media

Don't violate the Rp. In Polling Reporting: PCI to print media
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Ahead of the assembly election in five states, Indian press council on Wednesday issued guidelines for nine points for print media where he said newspapers must follow the journalistic behavior norms set by PCI and refrain from publishing.
He also said the press must “avoid” news that promotes hostility or hatred between people on caste, race or communal lines.
PCI adviser said print media should not publish news items or other content that violated representation of the People’s Law, 1951.
It emphasizes media responsibility in carrying all information related to the election to the public and asking for the press of all directions, orders and instructions for the Election Commission, Return officer and head of the election of the officer, removed from time to time.
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Punjab, Goa and Manipur will go to polls between February 10 and March 7.
Calculating sounds must be made on March 10.
In his advisor, PCI said in terms of the poll staggered, there were no newspapers who would publish the survey of the poll coming out.
“However, their original might be, until the date of the last poll is complete,” he added.
It also emphasizes “press duty to publish objective reports about candidate contests”.
“Newspapers are not expected to enjoy an unhealthy election campaign, report excessive about any candidates or parties or events during the election,” he said, adding that “while reporting about the actual campaign, a newspaper might not leave important points raised by a candidate and carry out an attack on his opponent.

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