DOS and a lot for Safer Diwali – News2IN

DOS and a lot for Safer Diwali

DOS and a lot for Safer Diwali
Written by news2in

While people prepare for their preparation for the ‘lights’ festival, many countries have prohibited sales and rupture from firecrackers.
To make this diwali safer and more green, here is a list of several DOS and DONSI for residents: Don’t let children burn Crackers themselves.
Prevent them from being close to crackers.
* Don’t burn crackers barefoot, preferably wear shoes to protect your feet.
* Don’t use sanitisers while firing crackers.
Because it is alcohol based, it can spread quickly.
* If a new firecracker for you, don’t explode without reading instructions.
DOS * Tie your hair, don’t let hang near Cracker.
Do not burn crackers in hand or throw it away with anyone * Delete all the waste stored near the residence or on the terrace to prevent accidental fires.
Also, close the door and the window correctly to prevent the inclusion of crackers * if the skin area is burning, wash it gently with cold water, apply ointment and seek medical assistance.
* Keep water or sand nearby to extinguish the fire if an emergency occurs.
* Wear cotton clothes, avoid synthetic clothes that are burning quickly.
* Always blast crackers in the open and a bit far from the structure.
* Instead of open fire (Matchstick or Lighter), prefer the stick of incense or Sparkler to get time to go.

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