Doubt appears in the ability of the Raj Board to conduct an exam – News2IN

Doubt appears in the ability of the Raj Board to conduct an exam

Doubt appears in the ability of the Raj Board to conduct an exam
Written by news2in

Jaipur: Failure RBSE in conducting the nation’s largest competitive examinations have also questioned his ability to hold the board exams for class 10 and 12, involving 25 students lakh from March 5.
Exam REET, scheduled to also come under a dark cloud.
Board following the 3-4 layered security to prepare and store the question paper.
For REET, it claims that the storage space has the highest security.
But this paper leaked from the center of the safest in the Shiksha Sankul, tarnishing the image of the body.
Over the past 10 years, the exam board has canceled three times due to leakage of the paper, which had doubted the ability of the board to conduct free and fair exams.
Rajasthan Teachers Association (Shekhawat) has said that the incident was a shock for lakhs students assume RBSE become a reliable agency.
“Presentation has shaken students who appeared for the board and other competitive examinations conducted by the RBSE.
First and foremost, they have to build trust students to improve the whole system of checks and prosecute those behind the leak of paper,” said Prakash Mishra, a spokesman said.
Meena appointed without verification sources in Ajmer said that Jaroli RBSE warned by officials of the possibility of paper with a racket organized plot, but the chairman ‘too trusting’ do not heed the warning.
“The question arises even during a press conference in Ajmer before the test REET, but Jaroli dismissed the possibility of a leak,” the source said RBSE.
Appointment of Chairman Pradeep Paraerhar, who do not have relevant experience in conducting such examinations, as coordinator for REET in Jaipur, dikurahkan by RBSE officials but in vain, said the source.
“Parahar, a retired teacher and an acquaintance of old Jaroli, surprisingly pointed Ramkripal Meena, who turned out to be the mastermind behind the leak, as one of four key person who gave him unlimited access to the secret room.
Meena run ITI College and also headed the Organization ITI COLLE GES makes it very suspicious.
this promise is done with ease without a background check which is the usual practice, “said the source.
SOG has focused attention on some of the institute’s outstanding results through high REET exams, including one in Sikar.
The much talked about ‘Strong Room’ where paper is stored is none other Reet rental Vidhyarthi Kendra, a multipurpose hall, and the only property RBSE in Sankul.
SOG on Thursday questioned Jaroli because it does not raise suspicion on Sankul until kasingnya broken by the team.
“During an informal inquiry, the chairman did not share details that can help us inspect their premises in Sankul,” said another source.

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