Drawn to whatsapp status, teenagers hang themselves – News2IN

Drawn to whatsapp status, teenagers hang themselves

Written by news2in

Letter: A teenager who lives in the PAL area hanging himself on Sunday night, allegedly after his father rebuked him on his Whatsapp status.
The police said that Denil Patel’s father who died 19-year-old Sanjay gave him dress up when he had posted local Ruffian videos as whatsapp status.
Sanjay swept the status of Denity to delete it and scolded it for the irregularity at work.
Duo father-child worked together at Dairy Parlor which is popular in the Ichhapore area.
The police said that Sanjay was worried that his son would be inspired by such a video and keeping a bad company.
The video is about a ruffian from Amroli where he claims to be ‘don’.
“Denil felt humiliated because of his father’s bitter words, so he hung himself from the ceiling fan in the kitchen, using a saree when there was no one at home.
When a family member returned home around 9:30 a.m., they were surprised to find it in a state Like that, “said a police officer.
Sanjay called an ambulance 108 but paramedic staff stated Patel died.
“The deceased is a decent person but for some reason he posted a video as his status that triggered his father’s anger and then he took extreme steps,” added police officials.
The case of unintentional death was registered at the Police Station there and after post-Mortem, Patel’s body was handed over to family members.
The police said that Patel lived with his parents and a 16-year-old sister.

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