Drinking water: Dream pipes for 5 Lakh residents – News2IN

Drinking water: Dream pipes for 5 Lakh residents

Drinking water: Dream pipes for 5 Lakh residents
Written by news2in

Nagpur: A person can boast Metro, Flyovers and Iconic Ram Jhula as a symbol of development, but this will remain only cosmetic changes except for every household in the city getting a drink supply, basic needs.
Even after a decade of Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC) began the 24×7, 142 regional water supply project, having about 20% of the city population, not connected to the water supply network, forcing nearly 5 Lakh residents to depend on tankers.
The NMC water work department can take a 24×7 water supply scheme to only 40 of the 75 command areas.
The rest, 24 orders need additional work.
“The whole city will have a water pipeline network in 2028,” said Chairman of the Works Committee Water Sandeep Gawai.
Under the Amrut scheme, the RS78 crore proposal for pipes and other works has been for this purpose, he said.
Private operators entrusted by implementing 24×7 water supply projects have failed to curb non-income water, although supply for Nagpur City has increased from 540 million daily (MLD) liters to 658ml in the past seven years.
Only 300mLD is billed.
“Thus, the non-income water is around 50%,” acknowledging the Gewai.
He said the steps had begun to limit losses and add most old pipeline networks that have a leak will be replaced.
He also said the NMC water allocation was 750mld, but we pumped 650mld.
“On average, we save 100ml water from our quota ordered,” he said.
At present, the city has 142 non-network locality, mostly on the outskirts of the city.
NMC employs a tanker to supply water to this area.
Until recently, the NMC had mobilized 194 tankers, but the increasing population in non-network areas made the civil body increase the number and committee of the Permanent LED Prakash Bhhoard gave a nod to rent 265 tankers for two years.
This tanker, which will be paid RS360 per trip, will be deployed to supply drinking water in non-network areas.
Water theft is another NMC problem failed to overcome.
Against more than 6 Lakh properties within corporate limits, the city only has 3,77,667 consumers, according to the records of the water works department.
Separate water supply, the population of many areas in Central and North Nagpur often complains to get contaminated water.
Many residents fell ill because polluted water was supplied by NMC.
Sonu Khan, a resident of Ram Sumain Baba Nagar, said their area and coexist areas such as the layout of the maske run the pillar to resolve the problem.
Pipe drinking water for each household will be one of the qualifications for Nagpur to be marked as a smart city, said residents.
The Department of Water Work has failed to make alternative arrangements to fight the water crisis.
The department made a surprising revelation which during sample testing of 549 wells, only five were found to contain drinking water.
Expressing concerns, members of the Zero Mile Foundation, Dr.
Pravin Dabli demanded that the citizenship administration and the Maharashtra pollution control board must revive these wells.
Quoting NMC records, he said there were 854 public wells in the city and not even one containing water suitable for human consumption.
Dabli also blamed residents to pollute many wells as much as throwing garbage into it.
“These wells need to be closed cleanly to prevent garbage disposal.
Every two years, the well must be cleaned and water quality is examined,” he said.
Kanhan Water Resources | 218 MLD Pest | 440 MLD 75 | Overhead and Ground Storage Reservoir 30 | The ESR command area is converted to 24×7 the actions of the RS78 Crore intended to increase the water network steps have begun to install leaks

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