Drive Crowd Funding to Bring Police to Court to ‘Kill’ Lowerhar Villager – News2IN

Drive Crowd Funding to Bring Police to Court to ‘Kill’ Lowerhar Villager

Written by news2in

Ranchi: The villagers in the Laterhar District Jhakhand have launched a boost to raise money through crowd funds to bring police to court for allegedly killing a man in June, this suspects him to become a Maoist.
According to the villagers, 24-year-old victims, Bhramadev Singh, along with several others from Piri village in Ghasitola Panchayat under Block Garu in the district of Lelayat, have gone to the hunting nail-piri forest on the Sarhul Festival opportunity June 12.
“The six adivasis related to the incident (including Bramhadev) is hunting armed with bhartua weapons, who have been in their families of generation.
This single fire gun is used for hunting small animals and birds such as rabbits, pigs and chickens and to protect plants from animals .
On the day of the incident, as a group of six villagers rose about 50 feet towards the forest, one of which saw security personnel at the end of the forest.
He took two steps back and asked others to move too.
It triggers panic and people who are Behind began to run.
Suddenly, security forces began shooting without warning.
The villagers, however, did not fire any shots from the Bhartua weapons they brought, “read reports prepared by Jharkhand Mukti Morcha (JMM) after the mission of the discovery of the fact.
It added, “They raised their hands, shouting that they were ordinary people, not Maois and asked the police not to shoot.
But security personnel continued to shoot.
One of the bullets hit one of Dinenath’s villagers in hand.
Other bullets hit Bramhadev in the body.
While five people managed to escape, security forces took Bramhadev to the edge of the forest and pumped three shots into him, killed him.
“Members of his family together with a number of rights groups since later accusing security forces to kill innocent people and involve others in the case – fake police casuals.
On June 29, Bhramadev’s wife, Jiramani Devi, had tried to file brilliantly against several police personnel at the police station Garu for killing her husband but had not been registered.
Police said the villagers died in a shootout during anti-naxal operations.
But an independent fact search report by Jharkhand Janadhikar Mahasabha (JJM), a different group conglomerate, has claimed that the incident was not a “fire exchange” but the villagers were fired by troops.
Considering the future battles in the future to seek justice, Jiramani along with other villagers, has now initiated a crowd funding encouragement to take it in court, collect the police by refusing to register firmly against “police who erring”, they said.
Modi Singh, Gram Pradhan from Piri Village, along with several other village colleagues, has also issued a formal appeal to be donated in the Bank Jiramani account number (40245750820-SBI, raku).
Appeal also circulated through social media platforms.
Speaking with TOI on Wednesday, Lal Mohan Singh, Secretary General of Akhil Jharkhand Kharwar Jansabha Vikas Parishad, one of the social clothes that fought for the cause, “Fir is still not registered.
The local police said there was nothing to worry about and during the investigation, amendments needed In their complaints it will be made.
But the question is, if the victim’s wife wants to submit FIR, why is the constitutional right rejected? “He added that the whole village has now decided to fight the case in court.
“But because all residents of the poor villagers, daily wage recipients and migrant workers, no one is able to pay legal battle fees.
So, the Sabha gram has decided to impose individual contributions and collect donations.
Money drips,” he said.
The CD of the police state is currently investigating the following cases of controversy.

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