Drone Bath, Triple Check: Steps to reduce crowding in Gangasagar – News2IN

Drone Bath, Triple Check: Steps to reduce crowding in Gangasagar

Drone Bath, Triple Check: Steps to reduce crowding in Gangasagar
Written by news2in

Kolkata: About 2 Lakh Pilgrims reached Gangasagar on Thursday afternoon for Sankranti Makari Suchranti, maintaining the district administration of the toes.
Bad weather and three screening at three points before stepping on Sagar Island have slowed the flow of crowds.
There were around 5 lakh people there last January and usually attracted around 13 lakh-15 lakh for sauce.
“The crowd is thinner.
The weather has increased this morning so that more people can reach at night,” said Minister of Sunderbans Affairs and Local MLA Bankim Hazra, which is among the ministers who oversee it in place.
Good Temple of Kapilmuni and the beach will have limited access to gates and barricades.
Only a large number of pilgrims will be allowed to drink holy at a time.
At first, the district administration has regulated a sprinkling of holy water using drones in pilgrims that stand in the zone intended along the bank.
The lines of ships with holy water have been stored for worshipers in the zone around Kapilmuni Ashram and Drop Gates has been installed to prevent more than 50 pilgrims in Temple at a time.
State Minister Shashi Panja said, “After cleaning three buffer zones, we considered those who arrived here mostly fine.
There are additional steps taken here.” The police were seen asking everyone to use masks and those who did not wear They are given a mask.
Pilgrims are also disanitized.
Kolkata Mayor Firhad Judge oversees the settings.
On Thursday, police in Kolkata allowed pilgrims with a vaccination certificate and asymptomatic thermal examination to continue.
According to the source, while the antigen test that quickly helps KMC and the police separate around 120 people infected, there are still parts waiting for the results of RT-PCR.
“We have tried to separate the results of the wait.
But with Sankranti’s treason on Friday, no one is ready to stay back.
It has been decided to let them continue towards Kachuberia where the government of the 24 South Parwards has arranged the search and contact separation.
We have a telephone number From those who have undergone a RT-PCR test in Kolkata.
Reports will be sent to the DM office there.
We also have telephone numbers from group leaders that we have accountable to bring patients if they are infected and need isolation.
So far, cases – cases Such a little, “said a source.
Officers Lalbazar monitored camps between Babughat and Bangabasi Grounds asking the staff of the Department of Transportation to let the pilgrimage board only after they showed a vaccination certificate.
(With input from Dwaipayan Ghosh & Debashis Konar)

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