DU can provide 2 years extra to complete DEG; meet today – News2IN

DU can provide 2 years extra to complete DEG; meet today

DU can provide 2 years extra to complete DEG; meet today
Written by news2in

New Delhi: In the University of Delhi Executive Board Meeting is scheduled on Friday, a proposal to extend the time of settlement of undergraduate programs is likely to be placed.
According to official documents, students will be given two years, outside the normal period, to complete each degree.
The norms that exist stated that, students registered for a three-year undergraduate course under the semester system were given six years from the first year of reception to complete their degrees.
“All students who recognize from the 2016-17 session, which, for any reason, cannot complete the program in the normal period of the minimum duration prescribed for this program, can be permitted for two years to clean backlogs to qualify.
For the title,” Read Proposed amendments.
Official documents add that, in extraordinary circumstances, further extension of one year can be given.
“The extraordinary situation is clearly explained by relevant legal entities related to the university.
During the extended period, students must be considered former students and do not qualify for ranking,” the document was read.
The document added that the time span for students who signed up for a three-year undergraduate course in 2015-16 under the “Credit-Based System”, will continue to remain six years, while for those who are registered in the 2016-17 academic session, the span of time will be five year.
Abha Dev Habib, Professor, Miranda House, said, while the proposed amendment was welcome, the university must consider restoring the provisions of “special opportunities”, which existed before.

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