E-dialogue based on inclusive cities for many times different – News2IN

E-dialogue based on inclusive cities for many times different

Written by news2in

VARANATION: In relations with the building that can be accessed by safe inclusive cities (basic), and the National Urban Institute, an e-dialogue about ‘Building a city for all – perspectives on inclusion of disability in urban development’ held on Monday.
Through e-dialogue, ideas and views are exchanged and discussions are held on the development of Indian cities that can be accessed universally and inclusively.
The Head of General Manager of Varanasi City City Dr.
D Vasudevan presented a case study of Varanasi.
He said that according to the World Health Organization, more than 15% of the world’s population were in the Disabled (PWD) category.
PWD must face various types of challenges in living a simple life among ordinary people.
The absence of ramps in government offices, banks, community toilets, and other community places / centers, discomfort caused by the train and bus stations are some of them.
He said that to develop Varanasi as an inclusive and accessible city, various efforts made by Varanasi Smart.
City, such as rebuilding parks, multi-level parking and basement, Machhodari Smart School, Rudraksh International Coggeration and Convention Center by Varanasi Smart City to make this facility disability.
Vasudevan also highlighted the challenges faced by PWD in Varanasi City and the need to make GHATs accessible by PWD.
Efforts made by Varanasi Smart City to make a accessible and inclusive environment for PWD as in Rudraksh International Cooperation and Convention Center and other projects on display by it.

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