‘Early tracheostomy helped young covid patients’ – News2IN

‘Early tracheostomy helped young covid patients’

'Early tracheostomy helped young covid patients'
Written by news2in

Chennai: The doctor at the city-based Miot Hospital said the initial tracheostomy for young patients Covid-19 increased treatment results.
This procedure creates a hole in the front of the neck so that the tube can be inserted into the wind (trachea) to help patients breathe.
The hospital said that with non-invasive ventilation it does not allow the lungs with reduced elasticity to drive carbon-dioxide.
“Once carbon-dioxide accumulates in the body, it can lead to the failure of many organs and, finally causing death,” they said.
The hospital offers tracheostomy to patients between the ages of 20-40 years.
“By doing this, we allow the lungs to rest, identify organisms that cause infection and restore organs,” the release is recorded.
It reduces staying in hospitals up to 21 days and increases the success rate to 85%.

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