EC expands a roadshow ban, demonstration until January 22 – News2IN
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EC expands a roadshow ban, demonstration until January 22

EC expands a roadshow ban, demonstration until January 22
Written by news2in

New Delhi: The Saturday election commission extends a physical ban, roadshow, and procession by political parties and candidates until January 22 in the five polls, but allows small windows for indoor campaigns, subject to a maximum of 300 participants.
EC, which was issued in the current status and trends that are projected from a pandemic during a separate online meeting on Saturday with the Secretary of the Union Health, Chief Secretary and Head of the Election of the Election of Polls, also asked Punjab, especially Punjab, Manipur and Uttar Pradesh , to increase their vaccination rate further before reviewing the prohibition of demonstrations next week.
The EC statement issued after the meeting said the physical demonstration of political parties or candidates, including possibilities, or other groups related to the election would not be permitted until January 22.
Also, a prohibition of roadshows, padatras and bicycles / bikes / bicycles /.
Rally the demonstration stays for another week.
However, the Commission, who was recently approached by AIMIM Asaduddin Owaisa for a small window of physical campaigns for parties with lower resources and a digital presence, has allowed a maximum meeting of 300 people or 50% of the capacity of the hall or specified.
The limit set by the State Disaster Management Authority (SDMA), which is lower.
An EC high-ranking official told toi that the logic behind which allowed small public meetings in a closed room was that access control in indoor places could be set better than open reasons.
It would be easier for the organizer to set the count of people who enter the venue and uphold social distance, unlike meetings in the outdoor room where people constantly enter and leave, in EC’s view.
On Friday, the Poll Panel has asked the party to maintain their election activities in line with Covid norms, models and disaster management guidelines that still exist.
EC, when reviewing the sidewalks on physical campaigns, consider vaccination status, weekly leading levels and recovery graphics of Covid cases in poll countries.

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