EC restriction commission at J & K to meet today – News2IN

EC restriction commission at J & K to meet today

EC restriction commission at J & K to meet today
Written by news2in

New Delhi: The restriction commission assigned to redregen the parliamentary constituency and assemblies in Jammu and Kashmir is likely to hold an internal meeting at the Office of the Election Commission in Delhi, said the source.
The meeting will be chaired by Justice Ranjana Desai (REPD), head of Sushil Chandra’s commissioner selection and will be attended by the head of the Jammu and Kashmir election officers along with other officials from the Poll Panel.
The Commission is expected to resolve the plan after consultation with political parties immediately.
Last week on June 23 Election Commission held a virtual discussion with his representatives in Jammu and Kashmir and deputy commissioners regarding restrictions on 90 assembly constituencies in UT.
During the meeting, which was attended by 20 deputy commissioners from Jammu and Kashmir, the administrative difficulties faced with respect to the constituency of the Assembly discussed.
The difficulty of voters regarding the assembly constituency that did not have the right geographical delineation was also discussed at the meeting.
The meeting was held a day before the All-Party Meeting of Prime Minister Narendra Modi with leaders from Jammu and Kashmir where leaders discussed political activities in the United States.
The Commission limit the three members headed by the retired Supreme Court Judge Ranjana Prakash Desai was established in March 2020 for a year.
Then, the panel received a one-year extension from the central government on March 3, 2021, after failing to complete his duties last year.
The Jammu and Kashmir Act 2019 are notified by the government on August 9, 2019, paving the way for the creation of two Union – Jammu and Kashmir regions, which will have the legislature and Ladakh, without it.
The action stated that the number of seats in the Legislative Assembly of the Lonamu and Kashmir Union regions would increase from 107 to 114, and the restrictions on the constituency would be determined by the election election commission.
The importance of a full meeting of commissions including members of the Association ‘Lok Sabha MPS from Jammu and Kashmir will soon take place.
The possibility that the date of such a meeting will be decided on Wednesday.

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