ED case against Bhujbal and the other submitted by Pending ACB – News2IN

ED case against Bhujbal and the other submitted by Pending ACB

ED case against Bhujbal and the other submitted by Pending ACB
Written by news2in

Mumbai: The Cabinet Minister of the State of Chhagan Bhujbal on Thursday was dismissed by a special court in the case of Salan’s Maharashtra scam.
On Wednesday, the same court had furned the Pankaj, Sameer and the other two in the case where they were accused of deceiving those who had purchased a flat in the Mumbai Navi development project called ‘Hexworld.’ Allegedly 2,344 flats for sale and Rs 44 Crore.
Collected, but the project was not finished.
In the case of Maharashtra Sadan’s scam, it was investigated by ACB, the defense team for Bhujbals and others, advocated the Prasad Dhakephalkar, Sajal Yadav and Sudarshan Khawase, filed allegations and based on calculations, assumptions, and inconsis.
A week after registering fir in the case of Maharashtra Sadan’s contract in 2015, ACB registered one more case against Bhujals for irregularities in the allotment of the plot of the Kalina to a private builder.
Kasing Plot Kalina was still delayed before the court, and so did the money laundering case investigated by the Directorate of Enforcement.
On July 31, the court also allowed a five-accused debit request, the developer and architect Pravina Chamankar, Praneeta Chamankar, Prasanna Chamankar and Krushna Chamankar, along with former PWD Engineer Arun Devdhar.
ACB accused the government employees provide incorrect and non-realistic information in status reports and prepared a false balance sheet that showed prospective profits only 1.33% to the developer, when it was actually 365.36%.
However, the court then observed that hasty which was not properly made in the inn, and the ACB Officer profit assessment made by the developer and disadvantage was implied by the state government, without taking the help of an expert, inappropriate and illegal.
The court said from Chargesheet and papers, it seems that most of the calculations have been made by Narendra Talegaonkar informants, who work as ACP in ACB, the Mumbai division.
The court said he was not an architect and engineer.
The court said at first, there was no proof of Rs 13.5 Crore paid by the developer himself to Chhagan Bhujbal and his son, nephew, and staff and family members who were accused of this case.
It was also said that there was no ingredient, Prima Facie, showed that there was a meeting of the mind of all civil servants and that they hatched plans to prepare a status that was beneficial for the developer.
The court also showed that twice in May and August 2006 – the report went to the committee consisting of CM Vilasrao Deshmukh, Minister of Transportation and Development and seven senior bureaucrats.
The court said it was difficult to accept that they were misled by an inappropriate and wrong submission.
Four defendants remained.
This case concerning Bhujbal’s contract allegedly gave K Chamankar Enterprises without inviting a tender when he was the Minister of PWD.
Anjali Activist Damania, Original Complainant, Tweet He will move the Bombay High Court to orders.

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