Efforts to continue former Afghan government is useless, the Taliban said – News2IN

Efforts to continue former Afghan government is useless, the Taliban said

Efforts to continue former Afghan government is useless, the Taliban said
Written by news2in

Kabul: Taliban said that there was no point in continuing the former Afghan government.
Anaamullah Samangai, a member of the Cultural Commission of the Ministry of Information and Culture, said their efforts were useless, reporting Tolo news.
“Now there is and there will be no opportunity for such opportunistic people to cheat the international community from the address of Afghanistan and Afghanistan,” Samangani said.
It came in response to the efforts of former Afghan Islamic Republic officials to continue the Afghan government in exile, led by former Vice President Amrullah Saleh.
A number of officials and leaders of the former government said they would make former operational government.
In a statement of 18-articles released by the Afghan Embassy in Switzerland, a number of leaders and officials of the former government said the activities of the former government would continue, saying it was the only legitimate government based on the election of the people, reported Tolo news, reported.
The statement said the former government official and a number of political leaders would work so that former government could continue to operate.
In this statement, the former government officials said there was no other administration, in the contradiction of the constitution, it could replace the legitimate Afghan government.
This statement is also referred to in all “friendly” and “partners” countries to maintain relationships with the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and to avoid giving legitimacy to the Taliban.

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