Elementary school in Guj is likely to be reopened after November 21 – News2IN

Elementary school in Guj is likely to be reopened after November 21

Elementary school in Guj is likely to be reopened after November 21
Written by news2in

Ahmedabad: After the 20-month gap, the primary class tends to open back this month soon after the Diwali vacation, said the sources were close to developments.
The state government has formed a committee to see this issue and, based on their findings, plans to make a final decision on this issue, said the Minister of State Education Minister Vaghani.
“Children in this age group have not gone to school for a long time so we also work on plans about how to get them back to the physical track.
We will announce our decision about reopening schools for grade 1 students to class 5 at the right time , “According to Vaghani.
The committee will consist of experts from the field of education and medical experts including children’s psychiatrists.
Diwali holidays will end on November 21 and schools are expected to be reopened for grade 1 to grade 5 students immediately after this, said sources in the state government.
The return of the class is expected to give a break to those who have registered their children in government and schools that are assisted who do not have infrastructure to do online classes.
Also, online education for children from this age group is not easy.
The government has allowed first-class education in schools to 6th grade students to 12th grade students.
Schools must follow the strict protocol and government guidelines to keep students against Covid-19.
According to the government’s rules to reopen the school, written approval must be provided by parents to the authorities.
Not compulsory and online classes will continue.
Classes are carried out with a capacity of 50 percent.

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