Elon Musk said Apple collected global internet taxes – News2IN

Elon Musk said Apple collected global internet taxes

Elon Musk said Apple collected global internet taxes
Written by news2in

Elon Musk, founder and CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, slam Apple to charge the developer at a high cost of 30% to distribute applications through the Apple App Store while it displays full support for the Epic Creator Forite game.
Musk is called the App Store fee as a “Global De Facto tax on the Internet” and also said that the EPIC Games are right to fight Apple.
The battle between Apple and Epic Games was heated when Apple kicked the Fortnite game from the App Store, last year in August, for violating policy after Epic Games began using its own payment system.
While Musk said that he liked using Apple devices, he felt that Apple was “excessive with the App Store”.
“I mean, the cost of 30% to do almost zero additional work really doesn’t make sense.
Epic won’t bother processing their own payment if the cost of the App Store is fair,” he tweeted.
@Wholemarsblog actually, I like & use Apple products.
They are clearly excessive with the App Store.
I mean …
https://t.co/evyKJehLih- Elon Musk (@elonMusk) 1627676262000 What epic game game Wantseists have tried to pass the bill that will allow iPhone users to download the iOS application on the iPhone without going through the App Store.
As Google allows third-party application stores and installing APK files, lobbyists want the same thing for the iPhone too.
The bill also wants companies like Apple not to “reply to developers because they choose to use alternative application stores or payment systems in the application.” The cost of the Apple App Store is a global tax de facto on the internet.
Epic is right.
, Malware and Privacy issues.
When compared to Android, while open properties have helped the platform grow greatly we cannot deny that it has permitted into the developers and evil applications.
Even Apple employees felt 30% too many games, Fortnite developers, previously presented a 10-year-old email to Steve Jobs from the head of Apple Marketing Phil Schiller as proof to fight Apple in court.
Mail of Schiller to Job and Eddy Cue (head of service) talks about reducing the App Store commission charged by developers from 30% to 20%.
Schiller asks if Apple can continue with “70/30 split” forever by post.
Split refers to a cost of 30% subject to Apple developer fees for paid applications, purchases are carried out in the application along with subscriptions.
While Schiller explained that he was a “loyal supporter” of the fee, he was not convinced that the cutting of 30% could remain “unchanged forever”.

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