Elon Musk Unloaded $ 5 BN in Tesla Share Days After Poll Twitter – News2IN

Elon Musk Unloaded $ 5 BN in Tesla Share Days After Poll Twitter

Elon Musk Unloaded $ 5 BN in Tesla Share Days After Poll Twitter
Written by news2in

New York: Tesla Elon Musk’s CEO has lowered the company’s shares worth $ 5 billion, the day after setting Twitter polls – where millions were selected – asking if he had to sell 10 percent of his big stock in an electric car.
Zany billionaire, the richest man in the world with a net worth of around $ 300 billion, selling 4.5 million shares this week, according to the submission of regulations made on Wednesday.
But they did not suggest unconventional virtual referendum which he followed on Saturday was behind the decision.
The $ 1.1 billion stock batch was sold on Monday in an effort to resolve the tax liability after the Musk used the stock option, but the sale began with the trade plan previously arranged in September, according to the submission.
It is not clear whether the remaining sales of shares was notified on Tuesday and Wednesday – around 3.6 million shares worth around $ 4 billion – also planned before the Twitter poll.
On Saturday Musk Tweeted: “Many are made lately the profits that have not been realized are tax avoidance, so I propose sales of 10% of my Tesla shares.
Do you support this?” “I will obey the results of this poll, anywhere in that way runs,” he added in another tweet after he posted a sound for more than 62 million followers.
In the poll, nearly 58 percent of the 3.5 million votes were thrown for the sake of continuing sales.
But to reach ten percent sales of the total shares in Tesla, South Africa, 50 years old, must sell millions of shares more than he has done so far.
Before sales, he still has more than 170 million shares of Tesla, about 17 percent of shares in the company, according to the US Securities and Exchange Commission.
Musk’s wealth had swelled with a recent surge in Tesla’s stock price, from around $ 130 at the beginning of 2020 to $ 1,222.09 last Friday.
Tesla’s stock price fell on Monday after a weekend poll, regarding its net worth with $ 50 billion, but the car maker rose again on Wednesday, up more than four percent to close at $ 1,067.95.
Tweet Musk on Saturday follows the proposal by Democrats of Congrus US to impose very rich tax by targeting shares, which are usually only taxed when sold.
The spectacle was driven by musk intervention on very serious problems – income equations in the United States and who should pay a program of social safety nets – not well received by critics.
“Whether the richest man in the world pays taxes at all should not depend on the results of the Twitter poll,” Tweeted US Senator Ron Wyden.
“It’s time for a billionaire income tax,” he added, drawing personal insults in a reply from Musk.

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