Employee Power ThreatNationWide is from August 10 – News2IN

Employee Power ThreatNationWide is from August 10

Written by news2in

VARANATION: Karmchari Vidyut Sanyucta Sangharsh Samiti has warned that if the electricity bill (amendment), 2021 is not immediately withdrawn, 15 employees of the power of Lakh throughout the country will boycott work on August 10 at the State Convention held at the Power Training Institute, Hydel Colony in the Bhikharipur area Here on Thursday, VKSS issued a resolution to join the work boycotics agitation throughout the country on August 10 if the bill was not immediately withdrawn.
Conventor Shailendra Dubey said that despite all employees and engineers from all the company’s top power, other supporting staff will also join the proposed agitation.
Speakers said that the carrier of the Office of the National Coordination Committee of the Employees and Engineers had met with Indian Government Secretary Alok Kumar in Delhi on Wednesday to express their protests against the bill.
Now, the Sit-In series and Satyagrah will start in Shram Shakti Bhawan in New Delhi starting August 3 to August 6 by employees of power from the North, East, West and South Zone.
If their demands will not be fulfilled even after holding a series of protests, the work boycott agitation will take place in India on August 10, they added.
They said that employees of power demanded that instead of passing this bill in a hurry to make major changes in the electricity law, the government had to send it to the permanent committee in the parliament to electricity to seek the opinion of employees of power and consumers.
They accused that ending the provision of licenses for power production in the Electricity Law, 2003 resulted in privatization of power production because the purchase of power becomes an expensive affair.
Now, with an electrical bill (amendment), 2021 the provision of a license is over for power distribution, they add, it will open the way for the privatization of power distribution.
More than one private company will enter this sector and start using infrastructure and government networks without licenses, they say adding, these companies will supply power for only industrial and commercial consumers, which will generate benefits for them.
These provisions will deteriorate the financial condition of the power distribution by the Government Department, which will not be the interests of farmers and poor consumers, which they claim.
Chandrashekhar Chaurasia led the Convention and Rajendra Singh implement it.
Important, among others, Prabhat Singh, Jai Prakash, Jawahar Lal Vishwakarma, MayeasHankar Tiwari, AP Shukla, AK Srivastava and RK Wahi also discussed the Convention.

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