End nature exploitation, trading wildlife to stop pandemics, the word G20 – News2IN

End nature exploitation, trading wildlife to stop pandemics, the word G20

Written by news2in

Nagpur: Towards the G20 Summit in Italy, global wildlife experts and leaders’ changes have appealed to G20 countries to recognize that the root causes of pandemics are over-natural exploitation, including commercial trade in wild animals, and wild habitat conversion.
For commercial use – factors also encourage loss of biodiversity and climate change.
“When the world continues to roll out of the hazardous impact of Covid-19, it is very important for our leaders to immediately find a way to prevent a devastal new zoonosis outbreak,” said Andrey Kushlin, a member of the honor, Global Tiger Forum (GTF), and the founder & chair together , Endpandemics.
The G20 will peak in the leader summit, which will be held in Rome on 30 and 31 October.
In an appeal, the G20 leaders have been urged to reduce the risk of new pandemics by overcoming the root causes, and three steps for their global recovery and regeneration.
Global experts and leaders of change held Roildable1 on September 2, 2021, which was held together by the Covid-19 Vatican Commission, Endpandemics, and United to regenerate to discuss specific recommendations that the leaders of the G20 can take their summit in Rome.
Steven R Galster, Roundtable1 seats, and Walter Link said, “These discussions were built in the previous expert process, including roadmaps that have recently been published to end the pandemic, wildlife conservation declaration (WC20), and reported by other reports.
Roundtable co-chairs.
“Roundtable1 urged the G20 to recognize that Covid-19 has caused acute damage to the planet than terrorist acts or natural disasters in the past 100 years, representing the greatest threat today against national and international security.
Global experts urge to recognize that annual costs prevent a pandemic of less than 1% of recovering costs from Covid-19.
“All these threats can be mitigated by investing in natural-based solutions and green recovery which also have a positive impact on the local community,” they said.
The G20 and other countries have committed to the target environment that, if implemented, will reduce the risk of pandemic recurrence.
This roadtable counterpart recommends a three-branch strategy that includes preventing the risk of pandemic from trading wild animals; Prevent the risk of pandemic caused by damaging land use practices; and build planetary health defense funding mechanisms.
“Three sets of these actions are activated by financial mechanisms can save the trillions of dollars in the global community,” Kushlin said.
Wildlife Expert Agenda for the G20 * Create an independent panel to determine the legal options to end the trade of wild animals including wildlife agriculture * International and domestic trade pauses in wild animals to independent panels conclude * institutionalizing campaigns to reduce commercial demand for wild animals * Adopt and apply The target of the global global global convention of the Global Diversity Diversity Diversity to ensure that at least 30% global land and marine areas are preserved in 2030 * Support for UN food systems KTT 2021 recommendations for sustainable food future, which includes increased food production without expansion.
agricultural land; Protect and restore natural ecosystems and limit agricultural encroachment and agricultural transfer * provide regenerative agricultural practice incentives because they strengthen biodiversity and reduce the risk of zoonosis outbreaks * reduce and convert industrial agricultural subsidies to investment in regenerative agriculture, save money, and mitigate pandemic risks * The mandate that each pandemic recovery program and preparedness includes targeted funds for special pandemic prevention solutions context

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