‘Enemies’ Taliban began to disappear in Afghanistan – News2IN
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‘Enemies’ Taliban began to disappear in Afghanistan

'Enemies' Taliban began to disappear in Afghanistan
Written by news2in

When American troops rushed to complete their withdrawal by the time limit of the Tuesday President of Biden, many Afghans were afraid that retaliation from the country’s new rulers would soon follow.
When the Taliban fighters confiscated Kabul’s control two weeks ago, the invader unit made the road to two important targets: Headquarters of the National Security Directorate and Ministry of Communication.
Their purpose – told by two Afghan officials – was to secure their intelligence and informants files, and to get the means to track the Afghan telephone numbers.
It could be a disaster for hundreds of thousands of people who worked to fight the threat of Taliban and were considered “enemies” by the rebels.
So far, the political leadership of the Taliban has presented a moderate face, promising amnesty to government security forces who put their arms.
They have even written a guarantee letter that they will not be chased, even though they are entitled to demand serious evil.
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There are detention reports, disappearances and even experiences that develop in the hands of the Taliban, in what some government officials are doing now and the former government as a pursuit of militant enemies.
The campaign scale is uncertain because it is being done secretly.
And it is not clear the level of detention or execution of the authority of the Taliban leadership.
“It’s very underground,” said a former legislator, who hid elsewhere when the Taliban visited his house in the middle of the night.
Like him, many people have been hiding, changing their location and telephone numbers, and break communication with friends and colleagues.
Read Afghanistan Alsoparban’s Afghanistan Hits Dried fruit business in Hyderabadthe Taliban takeover ripples in Afghanistan felt in Begum Bazar – which is believed to be the second largest wheat market in Asia.
Driven by dry fruits of supply from Afghanistan, the market is left bleeding with political chaos that stops shipping.
Results: 40% steep up to “they (Taliban) seem to do a very threatening search,” said Patricia, Director of Asia Associate for Human Rights Watch.
“This is very much behavioral policy.
The message is very clear.” People in the northern Province of Badakhshan have been pulled out of their homes in the last few days and have not been seen since then, said one government official.
There has been a pursuit of the power of Afghan and command special operations from intelligence services, known as unit 00, as well as police and security chiefs throughout the country, he added that at least a dozen officials of the former Government of Ghani Province had been detained by the Taliban throughout the country, former officials said government.
Read AlSotaliban wanted to trade with India through Pakistand propcription India as an important country, Taliban Senior Leader Sher Muhammad Stanikzai said Afghanistan wanted a relationship with India as before focusing on trade and economic ties.
It is not clear where officials are detained or if there are legal proceedings that are generated against them.
Human Rights Watch founded that 44 members of the Afghan forces were taken from their homes and executed in July at Spin Boldak.
All 44 got an amnesty letter from the Taliban, said Gossman.
Read Alsorockets Hit the neighborhood near Kabul Airport in the middle of Pullockets crashing into an environment near Kabul International Airport on Monday amid a US withdrawal that is ongoing from Afghanistan.
Not immediately clear who launched it.
Rockets hit Monday morning in the Salim Karwan Kabul neighborhood, said Saksises.
The shot immediately followed Theon Sunday, the Afghan people’s singer family said he was shot dead by a Taliban fighters with unclear circumstances.
The murder on Friday Fawad Andabi came in the Andabi valley he named.
“He is innocent, a singer who just entertains people,” said his son.
“They shot him in the head on the farm.” Andabi plays Ghichak, or Tabbowed Lute, and the Sang about Afghanistan.
“There is no country in the world like my homeland, an arrogant country,” he can be seen singing in the video.

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