England to open the Booster Booster Covid program 16 and 17 years – News2IN

England to open the Booster Booster Covid program 16 and 17 years

England to open the Booster Booster Covid program 16 and 17 years
Written by news2in

LONDON: British health services say it will expand the Covid-19 booster vaccination program to include 16 and 17 years from Monday.
Until now, Booster Jabs has been limited at the age of 16 and 17 years with the risk of the Coronavirus.
“More than four of the five adults in the UK have been encouraged, help protect them from severe illness,” said the British Health Minister Javid said in a statement.
“We now extend the program to children aged 16 and 17 so they can fill their immunity this winter to look after themselves and their friends are safe.” Because the vaccination program was launched into the age group in August, more than 889,700 teenagers – or seven out of 10 people aged 16 and 17 – have had their first dose and more than 600,000 second.

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