‘Enough’: Judge SC said the APEX court judge must retire only at 65 – News2IN

‘Enough’: Judge SC said the APEX court judge must retire only at 65

'Enough': Judge SC said the APEX court judge must retire only at 65
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Justice of the Supreme Court S.
Ravindra Bhat on Friday said the retirement age of the APEX court and the Judge of the High Court should not exceed the age limit of 65 years.
“I don’t think of me and justice (Vipin) Sanghi (from the Delhi High Court) share the view that retirement age must be extended.
Enough! Maybe for the judge of the High Court, it must be increased to 65, but of course not beyond it.
We also want to rest And I think it’s time, regardless of other funny parts, the workload we all share.
I think we should realize that the younger person has a role …
“At present, the age of the retirement age of the Supreme Court Judge is 65 and for The Judge of the High Court, it is 62.
Justice Bhat emphasizes that younger people must get the opportunity to serve on the bench.
“With youth, come fresh ideas.
They bring to the surface of the freshness of the question and the fullness of information about contemporary events …
which we, the older people, will not only be isolated, but also hold.” The statement of the bhat judge came to the book launch “found a straight line between the bends and turns” by Aeem Chawla on the evolution of the Indian tax landscape.
Speaking on the topic of ‘justice and fiscal justice’, it emphasizes that the relationship between taxation and justice is a classic debate while also relevant when changing environmental factors and the condition of the social and economic systems.
“America was created because of this taxation theory.
The shout of revolutionary sterling, Patrick Henry is ‘no tax without representation’.
Demand for political representatives comes from taxation”.
He also showed that one of the main causes of the French Revolution was a very oppressive and arbitrary taxation.
Quoting a high level of pollution, at first, Judge Bhat said: “I will surprise you by saying that the only good thing about this morning is this event …
the weather outside is not at all good.” The event was also attended by Sanghi justice from the Delhi High Court and the President of the President of the Indian law firm, Dr.
Lalit Bhasin.

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