Environmental boundary manipulation: BJP Plaint to ECI – News2IN

Environmental boundary manipulation: BJP Plaint to ECI

Environmental boundary manipulation: BJP Plaint to ECI
Written by news2in

Mumbai: As a BMC poll nearby, BJP Corporators and MLAS have launched a social media war against former alliance partners, Shiv Sena, with Hashtag #shivsenacheatsMumbaCar for the issue of corporate ward boundaries, which are submitted by civilian bodies to state.
Election Commission (seconds) a few days ago.
BJP members accuse damage in the surrender of the draft environmental boundaries prepared by BMC to Sec.
Tweet by BJP workers about this problem have tags.
Andheri Mla Ameet Satam on Wednesday Tweeted, “I have written a letter to the Commissioner of the Main Election & Commissioner of the Election regarding the illegal submission of the Draft environmental boundaries prepared by @mybmc to the State Election Commission.
Also, there are horrendous plans to remove the voter’s name from Certain bags throughout Mumbai from the voter list.
“In the letter to the Head of the Sushil Chandra and SEC UPS Madan Section, a copy with TOI, Satam and Corporator Vinod Mishra said there must be a forensic investigation into the BMC draft.
“Computer Forensic Audit, Laptops, and Email IDs Officials from the BMC selection and IT department must be made.
BMC officials must be asked to immediately freeze the data they sent to the Head of BMC Iqbal Chahal.
Investigation must be ordered into the role of the civil heads in sharing demographic data with demographic data with The minister’s chairman, “they said.
BJP also asked the SEC not to act on the data and the draft boundary submitted by BMC.
“The SEC must maintain a strict watch on preparation of the selection roll and ensure people do not lose their right to use their franchise.
It is necessary to investigate the charges against the BMC’s head to manipulate data on the command of the political master,” the letter said.
BMC on October 26 handed over the last draft from the 227 election election environmental boundaries of the Mumbai Election Environment to Sec.
The BMC electoral department official said they had completed improved constituency boundaries and around 20% of the limits were changed.
A senior official said, “During verification there are 15-20% of change depending on population migration if it happens in the environment.”

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