Everyone ‘Wrong’ in Taliban Lightning Takeover of Afghanistan: Head of British Army – News2IN

Everyone ‘Wrong’ in Taliban Lightning Takeover of Afghanistan: Head of British Army

Everyone 'Wrong' in Taliban Lightning Takeover of Afghanistan: Head of British Army
Written by news2in

LONDON: The “wrong” world about how quickly the Taliban will take over Afghanistan, the Head of the British Army said on Sunday, the days after the British government admitted that the intelligence suggested that “it was impossible to fall this year” after that Western troops Withdrawing from a war-hit country.
The US and other countries were caught by the conquest of Taliban Lightning in Afghanistan last month and the fall of the military and the Afghan government were very quickly supported by the West after NATO forces left the country.
“This is a step that surprised us and I didn’t think we realized how the Taliban was,” British defense staff, said Gen Nick Carter told the BBC.
Asked whether military intelligence was wrong, he said the government received intelligence from various sources.
“This is not pure about military intelligence,” he said.
The last British and US troops left Afghanistan a week ago, bringing their 20-year military campaign in the country ended.
There are criticisms of the Western way of resigning from Afghanistan, with questions about how the Taliban can seize control of the country with such speed.
Foreign Minister Dominic Raab told parliament members last week, intelligence assessment was that there would be a “steady setback” in the security situation in August but “it is impossible for Kabul will fall this year”.
However, the Taliban took over Kabul on August 15 and Afghan President Ashraf Ghani fled to the UAE.
Speaking to the BBC, Nick was asked how the prediction was wrong.
“I think everyone is wrong is a direct answer,” he said.
“Even the Taliban did not expect things to change as fast as they did.” Asked about the wrong military intelligence, Nick said: “No …
Many suggested assessments will not last throughout the year and, of course, who proved true.” He said: “This is a much wider thing than just military intelligence.” He how it works in this country is that we have a shared intelligence committee sitting in the cabinet office.
So what they do is unite sources from the Ministry of Defense, foreign offices and confidential intelligence services and broader open source materials.
“He said:” I don’t think what’s estimated is how fragile.
That the Afghan government and how fragile in relation to the armed forces command of the Afghan government collapse time frame “are expected to be widely and ranged from week to month and even years after our departure.” “There is nothing I or other people see who shows the collapse of this troops and this government in 11 days,” Milley said.
The Taliban is expected to announce the new government immediately, which means that foreign forces must adapt to the prospect of dealing with the administration led by hardline Islamic guerrillas.
The head of the British army said it was too early to say how the Taliban would rule, but there was a possibility that militant groups would be less repressive than in the past.
“In that face, it doesn’t look good at this time.
But let’s see what happens.
This might change,” he said.
“I also thought they were not stupid enough to [no] knew the Afghans had changed and they wanted a slightly different governance.” On Sunday, the Taliban was accused of killing a female police officer.
The murder came in the midst of reporting the group to increase his female oppression.
He said now to the international community to push the Taliban to rule in a different way.
“They will need a little help to run modern conditions effectively,” he said.
“If they behave, maybe they will get help,” he said.
Nick said the risk of terrorism will depend on whether the effective government can be formed in Afghanistan.
Meanwhile, the shadow of the Lady Oversee Opposition Working Party Lisa Nandy said there was a strong possibility that Britain might be less safe because of events in Afghanistan.
“The assignment is urgent for the government …
is ensuring Afghanistan does not collapse once again to be a terrorism paradise,” said the Indian politician.
He called in England to work with other countries – not only his allies – to take a shared approach to the Taliban, and use their leverage to demand the right to women and girls living in Afghanistan.

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