Evidence shows a small decrease in the efficacy of vaccines: who – News2IN

Evidence shows a small decrease in the efficacy of vaccines: who

Evidence shows a small decrease in the efficacy of vaccines: who
Written by news2in

Geneva: Evidence that arises shows a small decrease in the effectiveness of vaccines against severe Covid-19 disease and death and decrease in preventing mild disease or infection, the head of the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Tuesday.
“The emergence of Omicron has encouraged several countries to launch the Covid-19 booster program for all of their adult populations, even when we lack evidence for the effectiveness of the booster against this variant,” WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus also told online briefing.
“Who is worried that these programs will repeat the Covid-19 vaccine hoarding that we see this year, and worsen injustice.
It is clear that when we move forward, Booster can play an important role, especially for those who are at risk of the highest death of severe illness,” He added.

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