Ex-BSF Jawan Shooting Princess Rape – News2IN

Ex-BSF Jawan Shooting Princess Rape

Ex-BSF Jawan Shooting Princess Rape
Written by news2in

Gorakhpur: Pension Border Security Force (BSF) Jawan shot dead a 25-year-old young man, who allegedly kidnapped and raped his little daughter in 2020, with his licensed firearm in front of the gate of the civil court at Gorakhpur on Friday.
The deceased is a resident of Muzaffarpur, Bihar and has come to court in connection with this case.
The attackers were arrested by two security guards present at the gate and car park manager.
After the incident, a number of lawyers began to demonstrate the incident in court.
ADG Akhil Kumar, who rushed to the place, calmed the demonstrators and gave them a guarantee of action in a security hose in court after the probe.
The report said that around 1:15 a.m., Dilshad Hussain called his Advocate Shankar Shukla at the gate of the civil court.
However, before advocate can reach there, retired BSF Jawan Bhagwat Nishad shot Dilshad in the head with a licensed pistol.
Dilshad fell to the ground and died on the spot.
“The police have arrested Bhagwat Nishad, Nandlal Nishad’s son.
However, a case has not been registered with him,” said Police Cantt.
“A young man was shot dead at the gate of the civil court and the attacker had been arrested.
The body has been sent for postmortem and after the report arrives, a case will be registered,” said Senior Police Supervisor (SSP) Vipin Tada.
According to the report, Dilshad Hussain, used to run a stab workshop in front of the Bhagwat Nishad house in the Badhalganj City area.
On February 12, 2020 Dilshad allegedly kidnapped Bhagwat’s little daughter.
On February 17, Bhagwat registered kidnapping cases, rape and Pocso acted against him.
On March 12, 2021 the police arrested Dilshad in Hyderabad and saved the little girl.
Dilshad was sent to jail from where he was released two months ago in a bail.
ADG Akhil Kumar said, “The probe will be done to find out how retirees are entering the civil court campus with weapons.
The action will be taken to anyone who is found guilty.” He also said that the defendant was arrested with weapons.
(The identity of the victim has not been disclosed to protect his privacy in accordance with the direction of the Supreme Court about cases related to sexual violence)

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